HCG Diet Food Regimen: An Effective Meal Plan to Rapidly Lose Weight

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HCG Diet Food Regimen: An Effective Meal Plan to Rapidly Lose Weight

Dieting is one of the most common ways to lose weight. Most diet programs require a person to eat less food so he can lose, maintain or control his weight. In some cases, dieting is necessary to avoid health complications. This is especially true with people who are overweight or obese. They are more prone to having medical conditions such as includes diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. Fortunately, there is a fast and effective way of losing weight and avoiding these health complications—the HCG diet. This diet program follows the HCG diet food regimen with the use of HCG drops, pills, or injectibles; these can make you lose an average of one or two pounds per day.

An HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone is a glycoprotein found in pregnant women. The main function of this hormone is to provide continuous supply of energy in the body by burning excess stored fat. In an HCG diet, HCG hormones are introduced to your body through drops or injections; you are then advised to follow a very low caloric intake diet regimen.

Through the HCG diet food plan, your body can have the needed energy and nutrition it needs to perform and function at its best. A great thing about HCG is that it mainly burns abnormal fat, which is largely responsible for obesity and other health related issues. It does not in any way affect structural and normal fat.

The HCG diet food plan requires a daily intake of 500 calories. A special meal plan must be followed to maintain and ensure you do not exceed the caloric requirement. Take note that this is not the only amount of calories your body gets. About 1500-4000 calories are supplemented from the abnormal fats stored in your body. In the whole diet process, your caloric intake is highly reduced but supplemented at the same time. With a low caloric intake and high amount of calories burned, your body will continuously lose weight and normally maintain the needed nutrition and energy levels.

Calories are not bad for you all the time. Your body requires calories for energy. Though it may be good, too much calories and not burning them off can lead to weight gain and, worse, obesity. That is why in the HCG diet, abnormal fats are continuously burned and an HCG diet food regimen is followed for your body to have the nutrition it needs. In that way, you can effectively reduce weight in a fast and healthy manner.

If you have questions, please visit us at http://ift.tt/1lXFmPc for complete details and answers.

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