Having Trouble Losing Weight? Exercise Your Weight Away

Having Trouble Losing Weight? Exercise Your Weight Away
If you are looking to lose weight besides eating healthy you must be ready to put in some time exercising. Most experts agree that you need to perform at least 30 minutes of cardio work three times a week to see any benefits. Additionally , if you are really serious about losing weight and keeping it off you will probably want to start lifting weights as well. You do not need to lift heavy to get results though, you just need to develop some muscle mass as this will help you increase your metabolic rate.

In addition to lifting, weight loss and cardio go hand in hand. Among the types of cardio you may want to consider include things like speed walking, an elliptical machine, or bike riding. All three of these methods of exercising will help burn calories, but at the same time will not put undue pressure on your knees. This will keep you encouraged to continue working out because you won’ t be as sore and your joints won’ t swell up.

After you have added cardio to your workout, it is important to also do some light weight training. By lifting every other day with even just light weights, you will add some muscle mass to your body and this will help speed up your metabolism. The bottom line is that weight loss depends on having a faster metabolism so that you can burn up any excess calories you have consumed. Being physically fit will help you in your battle to lose weight and stay healthy your entire life so only good can come from it.

To recap, if you are serious about losing weight, it is important to have a balance of cardio work and weight training as part of your plan. A minimum of 3 days of cardio work, coupled with light training will help you lose weight in a healthy manner and will help you improve your overall life. Remember that you didn’ t gain weight and get out of shape overnight and you won’ t lose it that way either. So be patient and consistent and you will see the results you desire.
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