Having Problems Losing Weight? Here’s What You May Be Doing Wrong

having trouble losing weight

Having Problems Losing Weight? Here’s What You May Be Doing Wrong
Although many people strive to achieve their desired weight, not everyone understands how to do it. As a result, this leads to a common cry of “I can never lose weight! " However , in order to this you need to truly understand and work hard to lose weight. This does not mean just a stroll along the park, but can mean more strenuous activity as well.

The top two reasons for not losing weight even though you may be on a ‘healthy diet’ are not exercising enough, and your dietary habits.

Not Exercising Enough

Depending on what you eat, you may actually not be exercising enough to burn your calories. You will need to do five cardio workouts per week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Great cardio exercises include ‘interval exercises’, which are exercises that keeps your body burning calories even after you have stopped working out. Strength training is also a must to tone all of your muscle groups during 2 or more non-consecutive days.

Eating Habits

The key to losing weight is to actually have a greater calorie deficit which can be gained by eating healthier foods. In addition , most restaurants and fast food chains give you more food than your body actually needs and we subconsciously feel obliged to finish it. As a result, to gain control of your dietary habits, you really need to practice portion control.

Watch Your Plate

In order to control your meal portions, why not use a small plate instead of a regular sized plate? This is actually a trick that many people use because to the subconscious mind, a plate is just a plate regardless of what size it is, so it thinks that you are eating the same amount when you are not. Another tip is to use color psychology. Non-food colors such as blue are known to help suppress your appetite.

Enjoyment and Consistency

Although it is tempting to have the weekend ‘off’ from your weight loss plan, this actually blows the whole plan apart. As a result, you will need to stick to your guns and walk away from that tempting food item like pizza or chocolate. In order to lose weight, you need to be consistent with what you are doing. In addition , your body does need time to adapt to your new lifestyle so if you are being inconsistent this will actually cause a backlash.

Another reason that people do not lose weight is because they simply do not enjoy it. For example , people do exercise regimes that they find incredibly boring or are just expensive (e. g. gym memberships) so they tend to drop out from their weight loss plan. As a result, join an exercise program that will fit your needs such as taking up individual or team sports that you would love to get into such as basketball, tennis, or golf.

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