Geting Your Teen To Lose Weight

Geting Your Teen To Lose Weight

Obesity in the US is now described as an ‘epidemic’ – sadly, not just among the middle-aged but among teens and children too. A primary contributing factor, according to scientific research, is lack of exercise. Other causes are too much fat and sugar in the diet, body type, genetic inheritance and overeating. But the major factor is described as inactivity. Studies show that, in a typical day, most teens only get around half an hour of exercise. That just isn’t enough to stay healthy, let alone glamorously slim.

Exercise of any kind is especially important for a teen, because exercise is not just about the excess pounds coming off. It’s possible to lose weight using a diet, for example , and still have the same ‘flabby’ shape. That’s perhaps not so much of a life-or-death concern as one gets older, but for a teen who is hypersensitive about appearance, the best thing about exercise is that it tones up the body’s muscles and leaves it looking leaner and fitter, not just smaller than before.

Guess what? The unfortunate truth which you probably already know is that, as a parent, preaching better habits won’t get you far. A better system to help your teen shed some pounds is to start an exercise program together. It can be enjoyable and you may even learn some new skills or sports together. Or you may just go out walking in your own worlds with an i-pod and some music… or a spoken-word novel… or maybe some language-learning CDs!

As with starting any diet or weight-loss program, you should both check up with the doctor first to make sure that there is no underlying health problem that could be the cause of the overweight, and also to be certain that you are both in good shape to do exercise and change your diet.

Walking has already been mentioned. How about going out on bicycles? If you can find a quiet area to ride in, this too can be a good time to catch up on chat and spend some quality time together. It’s an easy habit to get into, and it can have good spin-offs, like using the bike to get around with even when it’s not ‘exercise time’.

Swimming is another great all-over toner. Check out family deals at the local gym, health club or spa. You might also think about team games like soccer, ice-hockey or football – anything which requires training and involves being part of a team will provide its own motivation.

One upside of all this is that it’s a little easier for a teen to lose weight than it is for their parents, once the exercise begins to ‘bite’. A teen’s metabolism is faster and their body is still prepared for change. So get them into good habits now and they’ll be set up for life.

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