Get Thin As Nicole Richie – How to Burn Fat, Lose Weight & Get Skinny in 1 Month?

Get Thin As Nicole Richie – How to Burn Fat, Lose Weight & Get Skinny in 1 Month?

Nicole Richie has gained enough public attention after her weight loss. People are quite amazed and are asking about her secrets. Nicole says that she could achieve this by following the right diet & exercises. If you want to burn fat and get thin as Nicole Richie in one month you need to take care of several things.

Here are some tips that would help you get thin as Nicole Richie:

* Stay away from fad diets : Incase you want a safer weight loss then you must stay away from the fad diets. These starve you and make you lose weight by churning your muscles. This lost fat can be easily regained after the discontinuation of such diets.

* Proper diet : You must take a healthy diet that contains lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. You must take a high fiber diet. Fiber plays an important part in burning the extra fat. You must also increase the daily water intake. It is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day when you are intending to lose the extra pounds naturally.

* Exercises : You must try some cardio vascular work out for at least 30 minutes every day. Exercises like running, swimming, walking and other aerobic exercises are beneficial in fat burning. You must work out under the guidance of some physical trainer in case you want to get thin as Nicole Richie. You may also try some abdominal exercise to get a flat belly.

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