Five Tips to Successfully Losing Weight

Five Tips to Successfully Losing Weight

A weight loss program will only be successful if the desire to lose weight comes from you. Remember that change comes from within. If you are only losing weight to please others, you will not be as committed to your goals and the chances of failure will be greater.

You have to want the change and you have to embrace the system. Decide what is best for you and your lifestyle. Often , what works for others will not necessarily work for you. You have to create a plan that will work for you and one which will fit your lifestyle and habits perfectly. Having this system in place will help you achieve your goals easily.

Here are some tips to help you lose those unwanted pounds:

1 . Set small and specific goals.

Rather than focusing on a general goal of losing weight, try to focus on smaller goals to achieve your bigger goal. Decide how much weight you want to lose in a week or in a month and work your way towards your bigger goal. Losing 15 pounds may sound a bit frightening but losing two to three pounds in two weeks will sound more manageable. Focus on smaller goals rather than on the total amount of weight you’d like to lose.

2 . Stock up on healthy foods.

Avoid high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks such as chips and candy. Instead, opt to have healthier snacking options. Healthier options include fruits, low-fat cheese or yogurt, sugar-free popsicles or puddings. You can also try popcorn with Parmesan cheese sprinkles instead of butter.

3. Avoid the temptation of making poor food choices.

Avoid places and situations where you know you will be tempted to make poor food choices. This could be the morning coffee break or the after-work get together with friends. If you know that you will tempted to overeat, try to plan in advance how you intend to handle it and stick to your plan. Alternatively, you can also plan for distractions during these times.

4. Find a support group.

Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. Spend time with people who will not pressure you to make poor food choices. It’s easier to achieve your goals when you have people supporting you.

5. Reward yourself.

Reward yourself when you reach your smaller and interim goals. When rewarding yourself, always remember that it is better to choose a non-food reward. For example , you may opt to reward yourself with a new dress instead of a slice of decadent chocolate cake.

Keep in mind that nobody is perfect. If you fall and were tempted to deviate from your plan, don’t blame yourself and dwell on it. It does not mean that you are a failure at weight control and that you should just give up.

Accept that you made a poor choice but don’t let that poor choice influence the rest of your plan. Focus on getting back on track. Remember that weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time. Rather it is about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.

Check out the medifast diet for a list of recommended foods.

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