Fasting to Lose Weight……What’s the Truth?

Fasting to Lose Weight…… What’s the Truth?
Losing weight requires real commitment and effort. If you want to achieve the body you want, then you a commitment to sacrifice and some real discipline.

Sometimes this goal is so challenging that many are compelled to obtain the weight loss system that promises the quickest solution.

A few of the healthier weight loss usually include a diet, an exercise routine, and sometimes replacement meals. The sad thing is, because some people are so desperate, they end up trying drastic measures like fasting to lose weight and eating synthetic supplements that have questionable sources and ingredients.

But with so many diet programs on the market, it is very difficult to determine which ones are both safe and effective. Do you really think there is a magic pill that will make all the unwanted pounds disappear? And is fasting to lose weight safe? Of course the answer to both questions is no.

The truth is that the best way to lose weight for the long term is by dieting and exercising. Dieting.. not fasting. Choosing a balanced diet to match your body type and level of physical activity. A diet which contains the correct amount of nutrients and calories.

Fasting, on the other hand is about seriously reducing your food/calorie intake. Such drastic action can be very bad for your health. At the same time fasting to lose weight also causes your body to lower your metabolism rate.

A slow metabolism is something that you don’t want, when you are trying to lose some fat. That’s because it slows the rate at which your body burn calories.

Knowing that fasting to lose weight does not work, you should now be looking at the diets that give you all the nutrients and energy that your body needs. You can find several meal plans in books and/or over the Internet.

If you find that the diets you try are not working, there are other alternatives. For example you can always ask for help and guidance from a professional nutritionist. They will create a customized diet aligned to your needs. This may be expensive, but in the long run, it might prove the best solution.

Of course , dieting is just one of the things you can do to lose and control weight. To speed up the process, and help shape your body at the same time, you should also commence a good exercise program. Combining an exercise discipline with a healthy dieting regime will get your rid of that unwanted fat fast, and re-shape your body too! About the Author

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