Fasting To Lose Weight – Is It A Good Idea?

fasting to lose weight

Fasting To Lose Weight – Is It A Good Idea?

Fasting to lose weight is something many people consider when they are desperate to shed the pounds and aren’t seeing results from their diet changes and exercise regimes. However fasting is probably the worse way to try and lose weight.

When one fasts, they need to have time to rest. Fasting is about rest and restoration as opposed to losing weight, but this happens obviously because one is not eating. With fasting though, because you aren’t eating you will be weak physically and even walking may be a problem until you start refeeding. Fasting should also always been done with a professional.

Some people think that fasting to lose weight is something they can just do at home. However it is very difficult and dangerous to fast on your own. From a home perspective, fasting at home most likely will not allow you time to rest. Many people think they can fast while going to work still or being busy, but this is a bad idea.

For most people who are trying to lose weight, fasting will most likely lead to bingeing and thus putting on more weight than they lost. Fasting just will add to the problem of eating as opposed to helping you solve the issue of your weight.

Under the right supervision, it can be a great way to give your body time to sort itself out and lose some weight. You may also rectify your overeating problem as well. However if you attempt it alone you are setting yourself up for binges of the worst kind: full of high fat processed junk foods!

So you best bet is to observe your eating habits to see where you have gone wrong. Write down everything you eat and drink for two days, go to fitday. com and find out how many calories you are consuming and work from there. This will help you see where you have gone wrong.

If you want to fast, you are much better off having a healthy foundation first before doing so. So try to get healthy, eat lots of fruits and vegetables before embarking on a fast. A fast should also be more about your overall health than aimed specifically at weight loss because that is never a good idea.

For more healthy tips to lose weight check out: Healthy Weight Loss Diet. If you are struggling with stubborn cellulite you may want to check out our Cellulite Massager site.

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