Fasting Information

Fasting Information

Fasting cleans out your body and detoxifies your internal organs. No one should fast for an excessively long period of time, however , as that is dangerous. When your body is cleaned out of toxins (as occurs during a period of fasting), the metabolism slows down, not only to accommodate the lower amount of fuel it is receiving, but also because when the organs are less clogged with toxins, they can run more smoothly and efficiently.

Fasting should not be used in an effort to achieve permanent weight loss. It should be used only briefly, ideally under the supervision of a trained health professional. And the goal should be to detoxify the body, not to lose weight permanently, because fasting in and of itself is just not the route to permanent weight loss.

People who want to lose weight should eat healthy food on a regular basis (that means consistently and in small portions perhaps five or six times a day) in order to keep their blood sugar levels stable. They should also work out on a regular basis. Fasting has its purpose and its place in the lives of many people. But remember, the true purpose of a short fast is detoxification. For weight loss that lasts, eating properly and exercising are the best ways to go because these are the activities that help build lean muscle mass and burn calories.

One other appeal that fasting has (though again, only for a short period of time) for many people (in addition to the detox benefits) is that it can help them get a handle on their appetites once and for all. That is, if they have huge appetites that are causing them to overeat, a temporary period of fasting can help them curb their appetites and get them under control as they prepare to make permanent lifestyle changes of developing healthier eating habits and exercising more.

To learn more about the risks of crash dieting, visit Fast Diet, a website devoted to exposing the dangers of fasting and other forms of extreme dieting.

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