Fasting For Weight Loss – When is Fasting Weight Loss a Good Idea?

Fasting For Weight Loss – When is Fasting Weight Loss a Good Idea?

Fasting is a great way to give your body a break from all the hard work it is doing digesting and eliminating the foods you eat. It can do wonders to your body, allowing it to cleanse itself, heal, and – of course – lose weight.

If you are considering a fasting for weight loss – there is one thing you need to keep in mind.

If you are unable or unwilling to make PERMANENT changes to your diet and follow a healthy eating plan after the fast, then there really is NO POINT in fasting. If you fast and then go back to your former unhealthy and excessive way of eating, you will eventually GAIN THE WEIGHT RIGHT BACK and the benefits of the fast will go to waste.

That is why fasting is not the best option for most overweight people who are simply trying to lose some weight. It is FAR MORE IMPORTANT for them to adopt a healthy diet and active life-style to maintain their ideal weight and be healthy in the long term.

What you need to understand that fasting will slow down your metabolism, and this lowered metabolic rate will last for as long as six weeks after you end the fast.

So if you go back to your old eating habits – you will actually put on weight even more quickly than before. So it is critical to follow a healthy eating plan and NOT TO OVEREAT after the fast.

If you are truly concerned about being overweight, you must make permanent changes to your life-style and eating habits that you are willing to live with for the rest of your life! A slim, healthy body will then be a natural result as a consequence of your new habits, which should include better food choices and – of course – fitness activity.

If you are struggling to lose some weight quickly, what you truly need is a COMMON SENSE guide that will steer you in the right direction.

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