Fasting and Weight Loss – You Can Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting!

Fasting and Weight Loss – You Can Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting!

With fasting and weight loss you can lose weight and keep it off. The secret is intermittent fasting done in the right way and understanding this great dieting system. So , first of all, let’s answer two important questions that should help you understand intermittent fasting and why it works so well.

#1 What Is Intermittent Fasting?

The “Word Web Dictionary" tells us that the word “intermittent" means, “Stopping and starting at irregular intervals. " In other words, when it comes to fasting, you do not fast every day or for long periods of time. You eat for several days, you fast for one day, then you eat again, etc .

Actually, this is the only healthy way to use fasting to lose weight and it works great when done right. If done wrong, it can cause some real problems. Yes, fasting and weight loss can work great together, plus it has many great benefits:

– You don’t have to buy special foods.
– You can eat the foods you love.
– There are no complicated rules to follow.
– It’s inexpensive to do… no special foods to buy.
– It is enjoyable.
– You can stay on this type of weight loss system for a lifetime.

#2. Is This A Natural Way To Lose Weight?

You bet! Fasting and weight loss have been teaming up for thousands of years. Intermittent fasting is much more natural than eating every day. In days of old, when there were no supermarkets, people would have to hunt for their food. No catchy, no eaty… if you know what I mean.

The body was designed to feed off fat when food was not available. When the hunter of the family caught something they would eat for a few days, then have to catch something else.

If you look at pictures of people just 100 years ago (when food was harder to come by) you will notice very few fat people. Our constant access to food has really caused a great problem in our country. Even our children are overweight and are experiencing health problems as a result.

Intermittent fasting is normal, healthy, and enjoyable… and, best of all, it works great for losing weight.

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