Facts about losing stomach weight

Facts about losing stomach weight

The basic knowledge that health foods available in leading stores can help to reduce stomach fat is the worst myth and should never be trusted. These so called health foods don’t contribute to losing stomach weight, but instead they cheat you into buying them and building profits for manufacturers and retailers. At the same time, exercises like sit-ups, abs machines and crunches are also not recommended for effective reduction in stomach weight. Again the adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ should be applied in this case as well.

Fat burner pills and cardio exercises are also not the best solution to losing stomach weight. According to reviews of people who have gone through all these remedies, it has been proven that nothing has actually helped in reducing stomach fat, but only adds to the existing weight. Only with the best nutrition strategies and real workouts can you think of losing stomach weight effectively and safely.

People would feel that with diet plans and exercises, they still have no answers to their belly fat problem. This has to do with the fact that a personalized diet and custom exercise is not followed. If you are interested in losing stomach weight naturally and effectively then you should definitely follow a very personalized diet and stick to it. Similarly your exercise should also be that which your body is well accustomed to.

If you do not follow a personalized diet plan and exercise, surely you will not have an effective weight loss program, your muscles will get weak and instead of losing fat, you will lose the water in the body leading to ill side effects that would attack the body. The body requires a certain amount fat and water as well to function smoothly and if these two are depleted, no weight loss program can prove good effects.

The effects of alcohol on abdominal fat

By drinking alcohol regularly, you add up calories so quickly since each gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. Hence, with just 2 drinks of alcohol a day you are adding 400 calories to your body each day. According to studies, it has been found that alcohol increases appetite and hence, it should be carefully avoided. Drinking small quantities of alcohol occasionally is permissible, but when this is continued regularly it becomes a habit that cannot be stopped.

Alcohol consumption cannot help in losing stomach weight since it simply stops fat burning, increases the estrogen level and appetite and also adds extra calories. On the other hand, beer can be replaced with red wine since red wine has a lot of good things that are essential for the body’s health.

According to Europeans, while drinking red wine, eat some protein or fat as these have the tendency to slow down the absorption and thus reduce the fat lining in the stomach. It is believed that this process regulates the insulin content. On the other hand, if you are serious about losing stomach weight, avoid snacks rich in carbohydrates while drinking alcohol since these have many side effects like increasing the fat level in the blood stream causing ill health.

Keith Braithwaite is a generally nosey and opinionated guy but his heart is in the right place. After nearly thirty years in the corporate world and twenty keenly observing direct selling, he is now following interests in self-development, internet marketing and historical studies, but most particularly in weight loss and nutrition.

Find an useful and effective program to reduce abdominal fats at http://ift.tt/1TJRHkO /

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