Extremely Fast Weight Loss in 10 Days – Instantly Flush Away the Fat

Extremely Fast Weight Loss in 10 Days – Instantly Flush Away the Fat

Who wants to experience extremely fast weight loss in 10 days?

There are ways to drop the pounds fast, and I’ve tried a few of these ways myself, but only a few gave me results I was happy about. Here’s how I lost a few quick pounds whenever I needed to.

Complete colon cleanse – First I did a complete colon cleanse by taking some Epsom Salt and water the morning of the diet. Many people lose as much as 10-20 pounds in 2 weeks or less using this diet. Here’s the ingredients I mixed together to make my diet juice.

* Organic maple syrup grade b
* Fresh squeezed lemon juice from organic lemons
* Organic cayenne pepper
* Pure water. No tap water.

You can’t eat any solid foods at all, just drink the juice. Every time I got hungry during the day, I just took a large glass of pure spring water and added some maple syrup, a pitch of cayenne pepper, and some fresh lemon juice I made with my juicer.

I didn’t add a lot of maple syrup, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper, I just added enough to satisfy my taste buds. I have to admit, at first I didn’t want to go on this diet, but I really needed to lose weight, and I know that it would of been impossible to do that as long as I have all of this waste and toxins in my body.

Most people finds it really hard to get through the first 3 days, and I was one of them. If you’re used to eating solid foods everyday, you may experience some serious hunger the first few days, but there are some people who don’t have much of a problem getting through those days.

Apple cider vinegar

Add some apple cider vinegar to your diet everyday. It also helps to flush out your system, making it easier to digest food and speeds up the metabolism.

I won’t be going back on this diet anytime soon. I love my solid foods. There are other ways to lose weight that includes my favorite foods.

You can also drop the pounds fast by eating your favorite foods and STILL lose 7-10 pounds a week safely with NO side effects?

Related How To Lose Weight Extremely Fast

from Eight.iy http://ift.tt/1K3ULrh
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