Exercises To Lose Cellulite In Thighs – 3 Leg Toning Exercises to Banish Cellulite

Exercises To Lose Cellulite In Thighs – 3 Leg Toning Exercises to Banish Cellulite

Exercises To Lose Cellulite In Thighs

So you’ve had a baby and your thighs took on all the “baby weight?" Do you recognize your own legs after having your baby?

I had the same problem. For some reason, my thighs were bigger than ever after I had my baby. I even nicknamed them “thunder thighs." Luckily, a friend introduced me to these 3 leg toning exercises to lose the fat and cellulite on my legs. These 3 leg toning exercises can easily be done while watching your favorite TV program, so no need to worry about making a major time commitment.

Ok, let’s not waste your time and get right to the 3 leg exercises that helped me get my sexy legs back after I had my baby.

1. Plie Hops

Get into a plie position and do small hops for 1-minute. These are tough, so you can work up to 1-minute.

2. One-legged Step Ups

Get a chair or 12-inch step. Begin with your left leg. Put your left leg on top of the step and raise up and touch your right toe on the top of the step. Repeat 20 times and then switch to your right leg. Exercises To Lose Cellulite In Thighs

3. King Squats

Grab a chair. Step about 3-4 feet from the chair and put one foot on the chair behind you. You will now do a one-legged squat, but it kind of looks like a lunge with one leg on the chair. Repeat 20 times on one leg and switch.

All 3 of these leg toning exercises give you a bit of cardio so it helps you burn fat off those thunder thighs and tones the muscles underneath. Burning that fat will make the cellulite disappear!

If you can, do these every day, but it’s ok to do them at a minimum of 3 times per week if you want to see results.

Seriously, if you want to banish your thunder thighs after you had your baby, this is the way to do it. I saw results, so can you! Exercises To Lose Cellulite In Thighs

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