Does Jogging A Few Times a Week Help You Lose Weight?

jogging to lose weight

Does Jogging A Few Times a Week Help You Lose Weight?

Say you are in your late thirties, and somehow over the past few years you have begun to pack on the pounds. Suddenly you are 30 pounds heavier than you were in your twenties, and you realize that it’s time to get off the couch and start doing something about it. Resolute, you decide that you will lose your weight by jogging during the week, starting with three times a week for half an hour. Will this help you lose your weight? Is low level intensity exercise the ticket to dropping pounds? In today’s article we are going to take a look at the science of fat loss, and determine whether this theoretical person will achieve their goals—or face horrifying disillusionment.

First, no matter what people say the only way to lose weight is to burn calories more calories than you are taking in. So let’s say this jogger is eating a steady 2, 000 calories per day. Each pound of fat that he has taken on contains 3, 500 calories, and thus his thirty pounds amount to 105, 000 calories that he has to burn off through exercise while maintaining his steady diet. How long will it take him to do this?

Now, the rough truth is that the people who are able to burn huge amounts of weight through exercise are the people who are already incredibly fit and able to sustain high levels of exercise. Professional athletes have trained their bodies so that they can exercise at high intensities for long periods of time, achieving 15 to 20 calorie burns per minute. Your average novice, however , will only burn about 5 to 10 calories per minute, and only be able to exercise for about thirty minutes or so.

So let’s take our jogger. He’s running three times per week for thirty minutes each time, and burning 10 calories since he’s really pushing it. That means at the end of the week his jogging will have burned 900 calories. That’s a quarter of a pound of fat’s 3, 500, which means at the end of the month he will have lost one pound. The math is simple: to burn the thirty pounds will take him nearly three years. Clearly therefor he needs to focus more on his nutrition than he does light exercise to get the faster results he so desperately craves. Only through nutrition and exercise can real results be achieved.

Try the Slim in 6 or the Shakeology Review.

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