Does Diet Soda Make You Fat and Gain Weight? This May Shock You

Does Diet Soda Make You Fat and Gain Weight? This May Shock You

OK, we all know that regular soda is bad for you. It has spoonfuls of sugar and nasty chemicals and drinking it regularly is a sure recipe for weight gain.

But what about diet soda? It has zero calories so it’s a good thing for losing weight right?

Well, findings by an University of Texas study may shock you. Epidemiologist and researcher Sharon Fowler from the University of Texas Health Science Centre found that the more diet soda a person drinks, the more weight they are likely to gain.

“There was a 41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can of bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day, " Fowler says.

But why is this so?

It has been suggested that drinking a diet drink may make you think that you can eat more of everything else. “Hmm, since I’m having a diet soda, maybe I’ll get a large order of fries with that hamburger instead of just the hamburger… " Sound familiar?

In her study of more than 600 people over a 8 year period, she has a number of theories that can explain why drinking diet soft drinks can make you fat:

* The artificial sweeteners in the diet soda may confuse your body’s ability to judge how many calories you are consuming as you are getting something sweet but not the calories. When no calories are being consumed, there may be a hormonal response that causes your body to start craving for more sweets and refined carbohydrates, leading to overeating and bingeing; &

* Since you are drinking diet soda and not regular soda, you may think that eating that last piece of dessert is OK. Even though regular soda has about 9 – 12 teaspoons of sugar, your dessert may have double that amount of sugar and calories.

So what can you drink if you’re serious about losing weight?

There are many good alternatives but the best will always be good old iced water with a twist of lemon or unsweetened iced teas.


About The Author:
Jackie Summers is a mother of 3 beautiful sons who lost 100 pounds in 8 months following the weight loss and information found in this website.

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