Difficulty Gaining Muscle Mass

Difficulty Gaining Muscle Mass

The vast majority of the body of literature available on health and fitness tends to focus on how to lose weight. This makes sense given how most people are overweight, and how the rates of obesity are climbing as are those of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However , there is a small minority of people there who just came seem to put on weight, who exercise frequently but are unable to gain the muscle they crave. They exercise, they eat, they sleep, yet a few months out they’ve only gained a few pounds and are now at risk of being unable to keep up with their own training schedule. What’s going on here, and what can they do?

The simplest and most common problem that these trainees face is that they are simply not eating enough. To gain muscle you need to consume a large amount of calories, a figure which definitely needs to be in excess of your maintenance requirement. However much these trainees may swear that they’re eating, odds are that they are simply not eating enough. One of the reasons this may be the case is because just as overweight people tend to underestimate how much they eat, those trying to gain weight tend to overestimate how much they consume over the course of the day. For this reason they’ll swear they’re eating a ton, but if you actually track it you’ll see it’s not that much.

Second, these people will often eat a huge lunch, and then become stuffed and not eat a large dinner. However , when you ask them they’ll remember the lunch, and gloss over the tiny meal they had at night. This is because hard gainers tend to have appetite regulatory mechanisms that kick in when they exceed a certain amount and tells them that they’re no longer hungry. This also tends to cause their bodies to upgrade their metabolic rate so that they burn more calories. This is called non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, and is how much we burn when just sitting around.

The easiest way to test if you’re eating enough is whether you’re putting on body fat. If you are not gaining muscle but eating, you’ll put on at least some body fat. If you don’t, then you’re simply not eating enough, and you need to start counting your calories until you figure out how much you should be eating daily to meet your caloric requirements to build muscle.

Try the Shakeology Greenberry or the Shakeology Review.

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