Different Factors for Gastric Bypass Operation

Different Factors for Gastric Bypass Operation

A gastric bypass operation is one of the procedures that a person can undergo to reduce their weight and in the process tackle obesity related issues such as diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea. It is considered to be a major operation and should be undertaken with great care and caution. Always consult an expert on the subject and understand the risks involved before committing to a surgical procedure. Gastric bypass cost is also a major consideration when opting for this procedure.

What Is a Gastric Bypass?

A gastric bypass procedure reduces the size of your stomach so that the amount of food that you eat is reduced. The length of the small intestine is also reduced which reduces the amount of food and nutrients that are absorbed by it. The effects of a gastric bypass operation are irreversible and it is considered a major operation requiring a 2-3 day stay at the hospital and 4-6 weeks of rest after the operation.

The Procedure Involved

The surgical procedure involves stapling a part of the stomach so that a small pouch is created. The first part of the small intestine is bypassed and the intestine is reattached to this small pouch which now acts as the stomach. When food is ingested, it goes directly to the stomach and into the small intestine. The procedure aspires to reduce food intake and absorption of food and nutrients by the intestine.

Cost of Gastric Bypass Operation

The first consultation with an expert is usually free and this procedure is not recommended for people with a BMI less than 35. For a person with BMI between 35 and 49 the gastric bypass price would be around £10500. For persons with BMI over 49 the cost is usually around £12000. Most clinics offer free aftercare for about 2 years and there is no fixed number of consultations that you can have. It is dependent on your physical condition and responsiveness to the medications. Interest free loans are also offered by some so that the payment for this procedure can be met.

For More Information please visit our website at http://ift.tt/1R3Zb2t

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