Dietary Supplements to weight loss

Dietary Supplements to weight loss

Market is flooded with thousands of weight loss dietary supplements, many of them claiming to have remarkable benefits and some even claim miracles. Advertisements of these miraculous substances are everywhere we turn around. Sometimes these products are marketed as natural to assure the safety and efficacy of the product but conscious fitness freaks would definitely like to know the real story of these wonder pills, liquids and powders that claim to melt the kilos away without much effort. Even though it is tempting to try these supplements, the possible side effects and safety concerns cannot be ignored as some of them may be promising but others can do more harm than good if taken without proper advice.

Dietary Supplements assure to shed off more weight than possible with diet and exercise alone. Dietary supplements are often considered miraculous substances because these are less demanding than intense physical activity and special diet plans. There are a variety of Dietary supplements in the form of minerals, vitamins, herbs, powders and nutritional supplements available in market with striking slogans such as; ‘Eat whatever you want and lose weight’ or ‘Lose weight while you sleep’. Choosing the right one which actually shows results is a big question. Some diet supplements can even be dangerous if not taken with proper precautions. It is not necessary that the best dietary supplement for weight loss is the most expensive product. The most important thing to remember is to invest on the product which has research based, tested and proven ingredients to promote healthy weight loss sustainable in the long term.

For an obese person fast weight loss is a common fitness goal as being overweight is unhealthy, sometimes embarrassing and even absolute deadly. Being obese transmits a social stigma and obesity is also associated with many health implications such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and even cancer. Dietary supplements offer solutions to speed up metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Hence, the Dietary Supplements can assist the person to lose weight without starving and/or severely restricting the food choices but eating reasonable portions along with reasonable workouts at the gym. It is important to eat the right combination of foods that will shift the body from fat storage mode to fat melting mode. The specific vitamins and nutrients actually helps to turn over an internal button that gives signals to cells throughout body to burn more calories. Still one should keep in mind that no supplement causes weight loss without an accompanying diet and exercise plan. Always check with the expert before taking any dietary supplement.

Here is the list of some popular weight loss supplements:

Based on the mode of action Dietary supplements are divided in various groups.

Most popular of all Dietary Supplements are thermogenics.

Thermogenics slightly increase the body temperature which generates heat followed by “lipolysis”, that is burning of fat as a result of burning calories. For details please refer the Article “Fat Burners” and their mode of action or visit

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