Diet for Hypothyroidism – Simple Tips And Tricks You Can Apply Now

Diet for Hypothyroidism – Simple Tips And Tricks You Can Apply Now

What is the best diet for people with hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is a disease caused by an under active thyroid gland. What does that mean? It means the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. Fortunately treatment can be relatively easy. Most patients with hypothyroidism need supplementation with synthetic or natural thyroid hormones.

There are also beneficial changes patients can make to their diet to help them maintain good health, hormone balance, and in some cases help them lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Since hypothyroid disease can often result in weight gain, it is important for people with hypothyroid disease to pay special attention to controlling their weight.

Dietary Tips For Hypothyroidism

Here are some specific tips to help you maintain good nutrition if you have hypothyroidism, whether your goals include hormone balance, weight loss or both.

– Eat a diet that includes many whole grains and fruits, as well as vegetables. This basic diet plan is beneficial for anyone that has hypothyroidism. In addition you should try to consume lean proteins including fish and chicken while trying to avoid fattier meats.

– Incorporate selenium into your diet. This is a trace mineral that helps the body convert thyroid hormone in the body. Specifically it assists with the conversion of T4 into T3 in the body. This trace mineral can be found in Brazil nuts, but you can also get it from eating some lean meats and eggs.

– Consumer more fiber, which helps with digestion, weight loss, and side effects of hypothyroidism including constipation. Eating a diet that includes lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is good because this helps you include natural fiber in your diet. Other good sources of fiber include beans and brown rice, quinoa, and other grains. Complex grains are always a smarter choice than refined grains including white bread or potatoes because refined grains do not have much fiber.

– Try eating several small meals spread out throughout the day, which will help you stay full and help fire up your metabolism. Your blood sugar levels are also more likely to stay level if you consume several smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large meals during the day.

Foods To Avoid

Are there foods to avoid if you have hypothyroidism? There are some foods that typically have the label “healthy" but can suppress the function of the thyroid gland. You may be surprised to learn what these foods are. These foods include:

– Brussels sprouts (you probably feel happy about this! )
– Broccoli
– Cauliflower
– Cabbage
– Spinach
– Bok Choy
– Soy
– Strawberries
– Radishes
– Millet

These foods have a substance in them that may suppress the thyroid hormones enough to cause a condition known as goiter, so you should eat them sparingly. If you have hypothyroidism you don’t have to avoid them completely, you just don’t want to eat them as the main course of every meal.

Some people with hypothyroid disease also benefit from a diet that is rich in iodine. You can find this in some foods including kelp. Iodine deficiency is not as common in developed countries as it is in underdeveloped countries, although people with underlying conditions including conditions affecting the body’s ability to absorb nutrients may need to supplement with iodine.

Remember at all times to work with your health provider to develop a diet plan that is best for you. Eating well is a lifelong process. You may find over time your dietary needs change. You may be able to eat more or less of certain foods. This is normal. Make sure you keep a log of what you eat and how it makes you feel. This will help you refine your diet over time, so you can create the best possible diet for your body type.

For more information on a diet for hypothyroidism, or how you can boost your thyroid function naturally, please visit where you can grab a FREE copy of Duncan Capicchiano’s hypothyroidism secrets mini-course. Duncan Capicchiano N. D. is a fully qualified Naturopath, Author, and Medical researcher specializing in hypothyroidism.


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