Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Why You Need One

diet chart for weight loss

Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Why You Need One

Creating a diet chart for weight loss is a great way to keep track of your progress on any diet. One of the best motivating forces when one is trying to lose weight is being able to see progress over time. If you get on the scale and it shows that you’ve lost 2 pounds, you will be encouraged and probably be more likely to continue following your diet. On the other hand, if you don’t monitor your progress, chances are good that you will cheat and sometimes deviate from your weight loss plan. After all, if you don’t have a way of seeing how well you are doing, you can become disenchanted with your diet and stop trying to lose weight.

What is a Diet Chart?

Creating a diet chart for weight loss is a great way to keep track of your progress on any diet. A diet chart is simply a chart that allows you to record your weight at certain intervals of time so you can see if you are actually moving in the right direction and losing weight. It should include a place for the date, time of day that you weigh yourself and your weight. That is the basic diet chart that works well for its intended purpose.

What Else Can Be Part of a Diet Chart?

In addition to recording your weight, a diet chart for weight loss may include other categories that you might want to keep track of during the course of your diet. Health related issues that might be important to follow are such things as your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. When going on a diet, diabetics must pay careful attention to their blood sugar. When they test their blood sugar, they can record it on the diet chart along with their weight. Seeing how your diet is effecting your blood pressure can also be important. If it is out of range on a consistent basis, you may need to change or adjust your diet.

While you don’t want to make a diet chart for weight loss too complicated, you might want to add another field or two to give you a better idea of why your diet is or is not working. A plus or minus column is a quick way to see just how well you are doing. Each time you record your weight, take note of whether you gained or lost weight since your last recorded weight. The more minus marks, the more effective your diet. If you get a more or less equal distribution of plus and minus signs that would indicate that you are bouncing up and down or “yo-yoing" on your diet. Too many plus signs and you are not sticking to your diet or your diet is basically worthless.

Positive Reinforcement

When you decide to go on a diet, you need to see results. Creating a diet chart for weight loss is an easy way to keep tabs on your progress. All you have to do is take a quick look at the chart to see just how well you are doing.

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