Detox Cleanser – Quickest Detox Ever

detox to lose weight

Detox Cleanser – Quickest Detox Ever

Do you want to get your colon on the road to health in a hurry? The quickest way to do this is by colonic irrigation or colema. You don’t need to go to a clinic and be embarrassed as you can now do it in the comfort of your own home.

For this detox cleanser, you’ll need to get certain equipment, all easily obtained. What you need is a board to lie on, surgical tubing, tips, a wall bracket and a 25 litre bucket. The board needs a hole in it which will be placed over the toilet and the other end of the board rests on a chair. The bucket needs to hang about 6 foot above the ground. One end of the tube needs to be secured in the bucket. You need to lie on the board and insert the other end of the tube, with the tip, fairly deep up your rectum. The water will then flush through your colon and come out again into the toilet. If you’re curious, you can place a sieve over the hole in the board and catch all the debris that is flushed out of your colon. You’ll be amazed and horrified at how filthy your insides are. Don’t try this without getting exact instructions from a qualified person.

You should do the colema once a day for 7 days. This is an extreme detox cleanser so there are very few detox foods to assist. Basically, the first 3 days, you should only do a water detox, that is, drink only water and eat nothing. After this, you can eat raw fruit and vegetables for 4 days. There are certain supplements you should take in this time too. You may feel a bit weak in the first few days but will find your energy levels increase after that. Once you complete the seven days, your energy levels will soar and your general health is sure to improve.

If this is too extreme for you, I can strongly recommend an extremely effective detox cleanser in the form of pills, called Colo Detox cleanser. Colo Detox cleanser will free your body from toxins, raise your energy levels, flatten your stomach and make you feel really well. I’ve tried it and it works. Go on, get your free bottle of Colo Detox cleanser and decide for yourself. You have nothing to lose other than constipation, bloating and an unhappy colon.

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