Celebrity Diets


Celebrity Diets

You probably wonder how celebrities always look so slim and trim. Here’s the way I understand Celebrity Diets. You hear them say that they eat right and work up a sweat exercising. Some are telling you the truth but others do some pretty weird things to look trim and slim.

Most of the truthful celebrities do the following or close to them.

They eat breakfast. One celebrity trainer suggests to his celebrity clients (which includes Jennifer Lopez, leah Remini and Penelope Cruz that they eat within 30 minutes after waking up he claims that this tells your body that you’re not hungry. He suggests something like a cup of oatmeal, some fruit for fiber and scrambled egg whites for protein.

Research shows that people who eat breakfast are more successful at long term weight loss than those that don’t eat breakfast. Eating breakfast gets your metabolism going helps you control your eating habits throughout the day.

Another celebrity trainer suggests cutting out white food (carbs) such as bread, cookies, rice and pasta. They are all high in sugar. Sugar burns off first rather than the stored fat. One of his famous clients, Cameron Diaz, gets her carbs from fruits and vegetables instead. If you stop eating white foods and go to whole wheat products. They are almost as bad for you. Just use common sense and substitute for food that you, yourself know is nutritious and healthy for you.

They choose the right vegetables. How about eating watery vegetables and fruit such as lettuce, celery, cucumbers, melons, oranges and grapes. They help you not to bloat by flushing out your system. Fergie and Denise Richards practice this on the advise of their nutritionist. Another nutritionist advises Charlize Theron to pile her plate high with asparagus and green beans because she claims they’re high in fiber and less likely to expand in the stomach area.

Another New York nutritionist claims produce like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, apples, pears and prunes lead to gas and bloating. She also advises to cut out diet drinks before an event that you’d like to look your best at because the carbonation and artificial sweeteners can also lead to bloating. Try dandelion, peppermint or chamomile tea instead. They have calm, soothing effects without the bloating.

A super model trainer with clients like Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler helps them keep in shape by advising them to add red pepper flakes, chopped jalapenos or hot pepper sauce to their food. He claims outside of adding a great flavor, you are less hungry so , of course you have a tendency to eat less. But remember, more isn’t better. Just use about a quarter teaspoon of red pepper flakes or a dash of Tabasco.

Celebreties also snack another celebrety trainer has Jennifer Garner and Elizabeth Berkley carry 150 calorie snacks in coolers. The snacks may include apple slices, low fat string cheese and a few crackers with chicken salad or a few slices of rolled up turkey and a handful of grapes.

Hollywood loves organic. The pesticides on non organic fruits and vegetables stunts homonal growth that leads to weight gain and is just plain poisonous to your system. Most celebrities in the know try to stay away from processed and packaged foods. They are full of preservatives and salt. This is very difficult to do these days because packaged and processed foods outnumber our healthy choices by a very large margin. Also look for range free eggs and beef and chicken that is natural rather than pumped full of hormones.

A Hollywood celeb trainer advocates the 3-2-1 Baby Bulge Be Gone plan. He helped Jessica Alba and Halle Berry get back in shape after their pregnancy. They ate 3 meals, 2 snacks and drank a liter of water per day. They ate about 1700 calories per day and totally avoided refined sugar, salt and sauces.

And lastly and unfortunately some celebrities use meds to lose weight. Amongst other drugs, they are using Adderall, an ADD medication. It was marketed in the 60’s and 70’s as a diet pill because it decreases appetite and speeds up your metabolism. Paris Hilton was in the news not too long ago for using it and being hospitalized for it. Needless to say, stay away from this type of weight loss.

If you decide to follow any of these Celebrity Diets, you probably should ask expert advice, such as a dietitian or your doctor before starting it.

Glen Nordstrom is a writer who specializes in dieting. You can check out his latest website at Successful Diets

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