Cardio For Weight Loss – How Much Do You Need?

Cardio For Weight Loss – How Much Do You Need?

How much cardio should you do if your goals are losing weight and permanently keeping it off? First of all, just cardio may not do it. You may need to modify your diet as well. Just exercise worked for me, until I was about 25. After that I joined the rest of the world where cardio and modifying my admittedly atrocious eating habits was required, so keep that in mind.

You will need more cardio than an absolute out of shape couch potato who is simply looking for some health benefit. Then again, if that describes you, you can start with some exercise, any exercise, and build up. You also won’t need as much exercise as if you’re training for a triathlon or other serious endurance event.

Many experts recommend more cardio than you might expect, and I agree with them based on my personal experiences. Four to six days of exercise per week, for a minimum of 45 to 60 minutes is about right! And I would strongly suggest, for maximum fat loss, that some of that time be spent on weight training.

Why is so much time recommended? Quite simply the calories you burn off need to add up. And if you add weight training, any muscle you build will burn calories all day and night long, not just when you’re exercising.

So what if you can’t or won’t commit that much time or intensity to lose weight? You can still lose weight although much more gradually. Instead of perhaps losing one or two pounds a week, which does add up pretty quickly, you might only lose ½ pound a week for example. That ½ pound a week will add up to 26 pounds in a year, and that my friends, is pretty significant itself. If you want it to stay off long-term, you need to lose it slowly, so have faith and do whatever exercise you can!

H Baldwin loves topics such as weightloss and business. Visit Paper Shredder Review and heavy duty shredder to see his latest.

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