Can’t Lose Weight? – Why I Can’t Lose Weight and Other Common Questions Answered

Can’t Lose Weight? – Why I Can’t Lose Weight and Other Common Questions Answered

There are many people who insist that no matter what they do, they just can’t lose weight. They’ve tried every diet plan, powder and pill out there, but still the weight keeps coming back – or, even worse, it never comes off in the first place. What are these failed dieters doing wrong? Let’s take a look at some possible reasons why they can’t lose weight.

1 . It could be a medical problem. A slow thyroid, menopause, or other conditions may be contributing to a lack of weight loss.

2 . If you normally lose weight on diets but this time you find you can’t get the weight off, you may be pregnant – or you may be experiencing the normal short-term weight gain that comes right before your period.

3. If you’ve just finished a diet and suddenly you find all the weight is coming back on, it’s because you were on a fad diet. You can’t go from eating cottage cheese and grapefruit to resuming your normal daily food intake without expecting to see a bump in the scales.

4. Are you absolutely sure you’re exercising enough? It’s not just about what you eat – it’s about what you do with your body as well. If you’re not sure if you’re getting enough exercise, purchase an inexpensive pedometer and attach it to your waistband for a week. Write down the number of steps you take each day. If it’s not in the 10, 000 per day range, you’re not moving enough.

5. Are you sure you’re following the diet plan? This might sound like a silly question, but some diets must be followed to the letter. Take the Atkins diet, for example – many Atkins dieters think they’re helping themselves by not only following the plan, but continuing to use low-fat, low-calorie or other “light" food items. This could not be worse for the Atkins plan. Review all the information about your diet, and make sure you’re following instructions.

6. Are you keeping yourself hydrated? Many people stop drinking a lot of water because they think that since they’re going to the bathroom a lot, they’ve had their fill. But , going to the bathroom a lot actually means that you need to keep drinking water – your body is not flushing out what you’ve drunk, but instead all the water weight it’s been carrying from not being hydrated enough. Keep drinking water! (And that’s water – not soda, juice, smoothies, coffee or tea. WATER. )

If you’ve gone through this checklist and found everything to be in order but still you find you can’t lose weight, then you might be simply on the wrong diet for you. A final piece of advice would be to sit down with your doctor, a nutritionist, or someone you know who was a successful dieter, and speak honestly about what you’re willing to do to try and lose the weight you want.

You might find that you’ve been going against what your body intuitively needs to be healthy and trim. If so, then make the commitment to change your daily dietary habits – and go from someone who can’t lose weight to someone who’s lost the weight and has kept it off!

Come on!

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