Can’t Lose Weight Long Term? It May Not Be Your Fault!

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Can’t Lose Weight Long Term? It May Not Be Your Fault!

Weight Loss – Let’s get real about this.

If you are someone with an issue concerning weight and have had problems keeping weight off (the majority of people perhaps), the chances are that it is not your fault. It’s worth repeating: It may not be your fault!

Most people realise that obesity is becoming a major issue in developed countries, in particular the numbers of morbidly overweight. Worryingly, a significant percentage of young people are either already overweight or starting to show signs.

Many people also realise the consequences of being overweight in terms of damage to physical health as well as emotional damage such as low self esteem/confidence, depression etc . As a Psychotherapist I see quite a few clients that consult about weight loss; either directly or indirectly. These consultations have led me to take a view on how I think about people that are overweight.

In short, I think that the majority of you are heroes.

Does this surprise you? It shouldn’t.

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of effort, cost and privation that the weight loss client has previously undertaken only to have any loss of pounds creep back over the long term. Many try so very hard only to end up disappointed, frustrated and angry yet ready to try the next fad diet, pill or exercise regimen with the attendant costs and potential for crushing disappointment. Many report that they seem to be almost permanently on some sort of diet or slimming plan.

Despite all this effort, permanent weight loss seems elusive with many giving up as it seems impossible. They then reluctantly accept that they will never get into that favourite dress or ever look more shapely.

One major problem is that people want a ‘magic wand’ to enable fast weight loss and then be able to keep it off long term without addressing any lifestyle issues.

In my experience, most people know what they are doing ‘wrong’ regarding their lifestyle eg. snacking, taking too little exercise, binge eating, having a poor diet, consuming too much alcohol etc . but the idea of change and the perceived ideas of deprivation can be daunting. Let’s face it, if there is a history of failure with diets, exercise or pills; how motivated can an overweight person be having lost any real belief that they will again be slim? The required changes may not be worth the effort or the suffering.

Looking in the mirror can lead to feelings of despair, frustration and hopelessness. These negative feelings, the belief that our bodies are unattractive and the sheer effort required, can make it almost impossible for the overweight to even decide to exercise. These feelings can want us to cheer ourselves up so we raid the fridge, gorge that chocolate or ice cream that’s been calling you or self medicate from the drinks cabinet.

So why is it so difficult?

On rare occasions, there are medical conditions that can cause weight gain and it is always advisable to consult with a doctor to ensure that this is not the case. Generally though, the reason for poor eating habits is that overweight people have a strong emotional link with food. It is this link, buried deep in the sub conscious mind that drives our bad eating habits. It is probably highly unlikely that you are even aware of this link.

So what is this link? Well, it can be a number of things that happened during childhood. These can range from a simple wanting to please mum (“slaving away over a hot stove all day" to dealing with serious issues such as emotional/physical/sexual abuse.

A simple example that most people can recognise would be mum frequently saying: “You must eat all your dinner because there are starving children in Africa".

The adult (who has an almost godlike authority to a child) is saying that you should not waste food. A child’s logic may interpret this as the children in Africa will starve if I don’t eat all my dinner. This child could then always have this ‘compulsion’ to finish everything on his or her plate even though they were full long before finishing.

For some, being fat and unattractive is something that their sub conscious is working hard to achieve and to keep it that way.

It is this link that the therapist is charged with discovering and helping you to deal with.

Perhaps you are starting to understand why I said that not being able to lose weight is probably NOT YOUR FAULT! If the emotional link is very strong it will override your willpower in the long term. Will power can have a temporary victory but your sub conscious will win the war – hence yo-yo weight loss!

So , when we discover the link, we can use hypnosis to change the way you think about food. This will help you to make more positive and supportive lifestyle changes without feelings of deprivation. You will then be able to lose weight at a healthy rate of around 2-3lbs per week – and keep it off.

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