Can’t Lose Belly Fat? 3 Reasons Why Losing Belly Fat Seems So Hard

Can’t Lose Belly Fat? 3 Reasons Why Losing Belly Fat Seems So Hard

So you tried everything possible under the sun-strict diets, regular workout, dietary supplements, waist trimming belts and nothing seems to work. You invest maximum efforts with minimum results. No matter what you do, it seems that you just can’t lose that unsightly belly fat. Here is a list of 3 possible reasons that can be preventing you from losing belly fat:

1 . Genetics-not everybody in life gets an equal start.

It’s unfair but certain people are biologically predisposed to have faster metabolism. In other words whether you gain fat or not is written in your DNA. Some people don’t watch their calorie intake and don’t stick to a workout regime. Yet they seem to be immune from getting the unsightly belly bulge. Others, however , seem “doomed" to carry the lingering “spare tire" around their waist. Where you carry your fat is also largely predetermined by your genes. Some women are predisposed to develop an apple shape( big waist, small hips, thin legs), while others retain a pear shape (small waist, big hips and thighs). The distribution of fat in the body is linked to your genetic material and there is not much you can do about it.

2 . Age-along with wisdom and experience, age brings a thicker waist.

As we get older our body fat increases while our muscle mass decreases. The combined effect of more fat and less muscle tissue results in a slow metabolism. The drop in the metabolic rate starts in the mid 20s, but can be drastic after 40 or after giving birth. Age is also associated with a tendency to store more fat in the abdominal area. And let’s face it-we can’t reverse time.

3. Cortisol-the name of the enemy.

Recent weight loss studies focus intensively on cortisol-the hormone produced in the human body under stress. The excess secretion of cortisol results in a blood sugar increase and the deposition of fat in the midsection of the body. Thus dieting, a stressful phenomenon for most people, can be counterproductive. It triggers the overproduction of cortisol and makes losing belly fat almost impossible. Unless you block the effect of cortisol, you will not be able to get rid of the belly bulge.

So you can’t lose belly fat? Genetics, age and cortisol are three possible reasons that are preventing you from a flat stomach. While there is not much you can do about the first two, you can definitely find ways to block the effects of cortisol and thus facilitate the desired belly fat loss.

Author: Irena Bocheva
Click on the link above and learn about the best cortisol blockers available on the market.

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