Can’t Keep the Weight Off? – This May Surprise You

Can’t Keep the Weight Off? – This May Surprise You

While some people lose weight without much effort, many struggle to shed off just few pounds from their weight. Experts in the field of medical science and psychology have varying reasons to give. Psychologists and psychiatrists believe that weight loss and self-esteem are connected with each other. Improving their self-worth can make weight loss much easier and is helpful to keep the weight off for good.

Hormones or glands may also play their role in people’s weight. Others are affected by their genes. Still, there are people who for varying reasons cannot do physical exercises. People get a bad feeling about themselves because they are overweight not knowing that they themselves are causing it. For example , many people use foods as an outlet for stress and depression. Losing weight is a constant struggle to people who have not addressed the root cause of the problem: they continue to regularly eat the wrong foods and avoid physical exercises.

Overeating or using food comfort may only be a symptom of something serious. Perhaps, a person is going through a divorce. Or he or she had experienced abuse. Maybe, there is constant comparison between yourself and another person, and you feel inadequate. Changing the way you view yourself can also make improvement. Putting yourself down can only aggravate things up.

Having loved for oneself inside and out can bring a better level of self-esteem and self-worth. Losing weight becomes much easier primarily because there are no more suppressed feelings of sadness, inadequacy, etc . People, who have used food comfort to cover up bigger circumstance, need to let go and accept reality. Allow yourself to be healed inside and start over. Until you learn to let go of bad happenings and welcome a new change, you can always have difficulty keeping the weight off. You may lose weight, but it is just temporary.

While having a motivation can be helpful. Health is fundamentally the best motivation. Losing weight to be healthy is one proof that you indeed love yourself. The main focus is to work on having a healthy body because this is what you want, and you are happy doing it to yourself. They want to have longer life that can also benefit your family.

Not having good feeling about yourself or having low self-esteem is a major block in keeping the weight off. It could also be difficult to stay motivated to eat healthily, persevere in exercises, and do all the things you need to keep the weight off. This is not a surprise. Mental aspect can have the characteristic to influence the body.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

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