I’m Exercising, But I Still Can’t Lose This Weight

I’m Exercising, But I Still Can’t Lose This Weight

I have been around the fitness and exercise industry for more than half of my life – that’s almost 20 years. And to this day, if I miss my workouts for more than a few days, I feel a little homesick. This is to say, it’s very much in my blood and a part of my lifestyle. And in my travels, I have seen people come and go with hopes of finally losing the weight they’ve been trying to lose for so long, but never reaching their goal. This is the cycle most weight loss enthusiasts face time and time again. They workout, but the weight just won’t come off. This often leads to discouragement, which often leads to an individual quitting their weight loss efforts altogether.

So , what’s a person to do? Well, there’s no one answer to resolve this matter. It could be a number of things starting with diet, plateauing or maybe your workout routine needs an adjustment.

My suggestion is that you take a good look at your whole weight loss program. What is your nutritional plan based on? Is it based on low calorie? Is it based on low to no carbohydrates? Is your workout routine progressive, meaning, does it change often enough for you to keep your body and muscles guessing and being challenged? The human body is amazingly adaptable and because of these adaptations, results will plateau.
The normal routine people take when they struggle with losing weight is to eat less. And this eating less can do more harm than good, as your body will get it’s source of energy from somewhere and that somewhere will, more than likely, be your muscles, and this can potentially slow your metabolism. So , it is of utmost importance to keep your body fueled with the right food sources.
When it comes to your workout routine, you must make sure that it’s progressive, meaning, that it changes at a minimum of every 4 weeks. Change means add more resistance, add or substitute another exercise for a specific muscle or group of muscles, add minutes and/or intensity to your cardiovascular program.
Lastly, be sure that you understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. The term “weight loss" gets way too much attention, while precious little is given to the term “fat loss" which is what we really want. So , while you’re looking for weight loss on the scale and you may be overlooking or even ignoring the fact that you have lost inches and can fit into clothes you haven’t been able to in months or even years.

With the points above, step back, take an assessment of yourself, look at your routine. Know that doing something is better than doing nothing and that this is ultimately about your health. Ask a personal trainer in your area or you may contact me. All this and more may be found in my e-book, Who Needs The Gym, which will also give you an all around workout and nutrition guide.

Visit http://ift.tt/1UPYwSE and download the first chapter for free.

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