Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight

Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you blame your slow metabolism? Have you tried every weight loss supplement on the market today that promises to melt away the fat and you still do not see results? It can be so frustrating especially when you know someone who eats constantly and doesn’t gain a pound. Everyone’s metabolism is different and some people are lucky enough to burn calories while doing nothing. The definition of metabolic rate is the rate at which the body uses calories to sustain all our bodily function including breathing, physical activity and digestion of food. So , is it possible to increase your metabolic rate?

Cutting calories to boost your metabolic rate is not the answer because it will force your body into starvation mode, lowering your metabolism even more. If you are eating less, it can make it that much harder to lose weight. Here are some things you should do to increase your metabolism the easy way:

1 . It is important to eat nutrient dense, mini-meals every 3-4 hours to increase your metabolic rate. Think of a fire inside your gut and you have to keep the fire burning by putting another log on the fire every 3 hours. A mini-meal should consist of a good quality protein source like chicken, turkey or fish, whole grains and vegetables totally no more than 400 calories.

2 . Get active – make a point of doing some sort of exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. It is important to incorporate weight bearing exercises to support muscle which will slow down the rate at which you lose muscle as you age. A cardiovascular activity like brisk walking or swimming will help you burn more calories and will help increase your metabolism during exercise as well as for several hours after your workout.

3. People who sleep less tend to weigh more – sleeping only 4 or 5 hours per night alter the levels of appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin which lead to increased appetite. If you are awake more hours when you should be sleeping allows for more time to eat not to mention feeling too tired to exercise.

4. Do not even think of skipping breakfast – it will wake up your metabolism after a full night’s sleep, give you energy and prevent you from overeating at lunch.

Unfortunately, taking a pill and expecting to lose weight is not the answer. It really does boil down to lifestyle and making a point of choosing whole foods as opposed to highly processed foods. It takes 3 factors to lose weight: Good Nutrition every 3-4 hours, weight bearing exercise and cardiovascular activity on a consistent basis. Get your heart pumping, strength train at least 3 days a week and don’t wait until you get hungry – skipping meals can slow your metabolism and deprive you of needed energy.

Sherry L. Granader, ACE, AFAA, NETA, ACSM, BBU
sgfit12@aol. com

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