Body Wraps ? For A Slim And Toned Body

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Body Wraps? For A Slim And Toned Body

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People around the world are on a constant search for new methods to lose fat and stay slim.

Body wraps are the latest rage in weight loss treatments and is popular worldwide as an efficient method of losing fat and staying slim.

Body wraps are considered to be a non-surgical weight loss treatment. Slimming body wraps work by promoting sweating, thus depriving the body of excess water. This helps in the burning of calories, thus causing weight loss.

The body wraps will also be infused with herbs which stimulates the blood flow, thus removing toxins and leaving our body in a better shape. The action of the herbs will nourish the skin and will also prevent stretch marks formation. It also helps to tone and tighten loose skin present in our body.

Many spas offer various kinds of body wrap treatments. But you can also enjoy these luxuries at your home by using home made body wraps. An easy and popular home made body wrap contains clay as the main ingredient.

To prepare the clay slimming mask, you have to first dissolve 5 tablespoons of sea salt in 2 cups of boiling water. To this salt solution add 1 cup of green clay and 2 tablespoons of olive oil to make a thick paste. Allow the mixture to cool down.

Before application of the body mask, you should exfoliate your body by using a salt scrub or dry brush. After exfoliation, take a warm shower so as to open the pores of the body. After the shower, apply the clay mask on your body concentrating on the cellulite affected regions like the thighs and abdomen.

Cover up yourself tightly with thin towels and leave the wrap on for 1 to 2 hours. After the stipulated time period, remove the wrap and take a luke warm shower.

You can also make mineral wraps by covering your body with elastic bandages soaked in a solution of distilled water and inorganic minerals. These wraps flushes out the body toxins, thus shrinking the fat cells in the process.

Slimming body wraps helps in the quick loss of fat. You are advised to drink lots of water before and after the body wrap session so as to flush out the toxins. You should also abstain from drinking caffeinated and aerated beverages for 48 hours after the body wrap treatment.

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