Body Weight Predicts Lifespan

Body Weight Predicts Lifespan

In today’s society there are literally mountains of evidence linking obesity to the risk of many serious health problems such hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and gall bladder disease. Losing weight is actually part of the treatment for all of these conditions.

As the body ages, a fall in activity levels lowers your energy requirements and thus leads to decrease in muscle mass. Unfortunately the smaller energy requirements and reduced activity levels that usually come with aging are not matched by a parallel decline in food consumption. When this begins to occur, your body fat increases.

“Excess weight shortens human life span, " states Gary Whitlock of the Clinical Trial Service Unit at the University of Oxford. In a large study involving almost 900000 people researchers found that each increase in body weight translated into a much greater increase in any cause of death. The BMI, or body mass index is measured by taking a specific height to weight ratio. It was found that even a small increase of 5 in the subjects’ BMI increased their risk of death by 30% and their risk death from heart disease or stroke by 40%. It even increased the chances of death by a whopping 60% to 120% in the case of diabetes, kidney disease and liver disease.

With age it becomes more and more important to exercise and have a good nutritional plan. Not only to help maintain proper weight but to keep the body functioning at optimum levels. Exercise and proper nutrition are pivotal factors when it comes to keeping strong bones and muscles. For instance, many people know that to maintain strong bones and muscles and a low body fat content a healthy diet is needed. But few know that strength training for those moving into old age, will in fact greatly increase bone density. It will build more muscle, and slow the age related muscle deterioration. This coupled with a good aerobic regime, and a great nutritional plan will keep the metabolism at a higher rate. When activity levels increase, the waist band decreases. If you would like to learn more or find other great articles on health, fitness and nutrition, please visit:

So its simple, keep the waist band smaller, live longer. Enjoy more of life.

Cory Brusseau is a widely respected expert on the subject of fitness, strength, and nutrition. To learn more, please visit:

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