Bigger Glutes Without Bigger Thighs

how to lose weight in thighs

Bigger Glutes Without Bigger Thighs

What do you do if you need to build more muscle in your butt and lean out your thighs to apportion. What’s the best way to do that? Well, that’s going to be a tricky one but you can do it.

Because a lot of people, especially when you’re loosing weight tend to loose their butt at the same time and I’ve found that’s one of the most frequent things I get, is when people are losing weight and it all seems to come right off the glutes so they want to build that back up.

They want to fill that back out and you don’t want to obviously fill it back up with fat; you want to fill it with muscle. You want to build that muscle back up. With the thighs that brings in another problem into the equation because a lot of the best glute building exercises hit your thighs pretty hard too. You are looking at lunges, squats, split squats that kind of thing.

Those actually are pretty good thigh exercises as well, so in order to increase the butt and kind of keep the thighs in proportion, one of the best techniques I’ve found for doing that is doing what’s called pre-exhaust super-setting where you do an isolation exercise that hits the glutes and just the glutes directly and then you follow that up with one of the one’s like squats or a split squats.

So you are actually pre-exhausting the glutes so that they work harder during the other one and you don’t push the thighs quite as hard. I’ve found that to be a really effective technique for doing this kind of specific area training. And one of the best exercises I’ve found for doing the glutes and just the glutes specifically is kind of like what’s called a glute push up or a glute bridge.

The glute bridge is when you are basically lying on your back, you bend your knees and then you just push your hips up to the ceiling like you’re trying to you know press your hips right against the ceiling and you squeeze like in aerobics videos.

The only difference is that you don’t need to have spandex or a headband. But of course that’s all personal prefference.

Now most people think of this as a bodyweight exercise but you can actually put resistance on this one and it’s really the key with this exercise. You’re not going to get much muscle really if you can do thirty to forty reps of this and you do it constantly and you’re doing endurance.

For example if you’re just training at home and you don’t have extra resistance you can do each one leg at a time. That will give you more resistance. You can also fill like a backpack up full of books or something and set that on your hips and do it that way as well. One of my favourite ways to do that is with a barbell, where you use like a barbell pad, slide your legs underneath this barbell and then the barbell is right over your hips as you’re doing this exercise.

I also have 7 additional butt firming tips and 4 glute building exercise video demonstrations of the exercises for free. You can get that here for free: ==>

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