Best Bodybuilding Steroids

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Best Bodybuilding Steroids

In a current fitness driven world, the muscle building steroids are commonly used by many successful body builders across the world. Most of the popular athletes or sportsmen are making an effort to enhance their performance by using performance enhancing steroids. The body building steroids are usually used by athletes performing in demanding spots like swimming, weight lifting, wrestlers, baseball and football players. This article highlights about the types of body building steroids, their benefits and commonly used body building steroids.

Body building steroids are the synthetic or natural compounds that regulate our body functions. These steroids are widely used by athletes or professional sportsmen to increase their body performance and get competent. The best advantages of these body building steroids include increase in strength, muscle mass, stamina and endurance. These steroids also promote quicker healing of the injured tissues and conserve blood glucose levels. These steroids are administered through an intramuscular or subcutaneous route or pellet form, patch form, gel form or oral route in the form of pills.

Steroids are broadly categorized into two types as anabolic steroids and catabolic steroids.

Catabolic Steroids: Catabolic Steroids are also called as corticosteroids. These are steroids that initiate the process of muscle break down and reduce the swelling of the body tissues. These steroids are also indicated for autoimmune disorders.

Fluoxymesterone: It is also called as Stenox and Halotestin. Fluoxymesterone is an alkylated steroid and is used to improve the strength.

Oxymetholone: It is available as Anadrol. Oxymetholonehas progestenicaction and assists in water retention. It is used to increase the strength and muscle mass.

Body building steroids should be taken only on physician’s advice. The steroid dosage should not exceed the prescribed dose as it can lead to serious side effects like over exertion, fatigue, restlessness and serious complications. The steroid dosage should be low and must be taken for short period of time. It is advised to avoid androgenic steroids and take over-the-counter steroid products.

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