Avoid desperate marketing efforts

Avoid desperate marketing efforts

Do you know someone who tries their best to make people like them? Or could it be you?

At times, this personal attitude gets to be transferred to your work or business thus preventing you to achieve your objectives.

If you feel you are working very hard but you are not getting to the place you want to be, you might be doing the same mistakes over and over again.

If there is someone you know who is a people-pleaser, they usually behave in excessively care-taking ways. Usually, these people act as if they have done you a tremendous favor that deserves your long-term friendship. If you fail to reciprocate their “kindness, " they then become angry.

Also, desperate people-pleasers keep talking but do not listen. Though they may leave brief gaps to allow you to speak, be aware that they are not at all being attentive to what you are saying. This is because they are more concerned with giving you a proper likable response than authentically communicating.

They also make serious efforts to impress you. They might talk about their conquests, their impressive jobs or anything else which gives off the feeling that they are someone you need to know more about.

They may also attempt to control the relationship’s pace without any confirmation or interaction from the person they want to be friends with. This could be done through intrusion, aggressiveness or inattention. All in all, their goal is to exert control because in its absence, they do not think anyone will like them if one is given the choice to do so.

Now, the best part is for you to look inwards and see if you are applying these un-helpful attitudes in your business or work life.

For one, do check if your marketing strategy is similar to those mentioned above.

Are you having difficulty selling your products? If you are, assess your selling style and see if you are unnecessarily trying to appeal to everyone. Remember that you do not need to please 99. 99% of the population because no one can.

Do not try too hard. Usually, people who do have the negative tendency to stick to the same strategies over and over again even if a specific situation calls for a new approach.

For instance, specific venues are ideal for relationship marketing while others are perfect for direct response advertising. An easy-to-understand metaphor works something like this: when you enter a pick-up bar, you might be on the look-out for a specific encounter. If so, you will then coordinate your communication style with your environment. If you don’t, you have no choice but to go home alone all by your lonesome.

However , if you expect to develop a long-term relationship with someone, it is not advisable to utilize the same kind of approach as you would in a pick-up bar. A different style of communication is therefore necessary. This would require an appropriate awareness of your situation as well as your goals.

Selling goes the same way as it involves creating a specific relationship with a customer. For instance, if you are selling a high-impulse product, you can use one type of approach. But if you intend to establish a long-term relationship with your clients, a different approach is necessary. Be aware that there is nothing dishonest with both styles. What is important is fitting the necessary style to a specific target market.

Remember that effective marketing is a social skill. If you intend to sell a ton of products, you have to appeal to a ton of people in a proper and un-trying-hard way.

People who attempt to make anyone and everyone like them usually reject feedback or cannot recognize it even if it was under their noses. All they do is keep on doing what one perceives already works despite evidence contrary to such.

Essentially, you need to select a style which is aligned with your goals and see what you need to do for it to work. If you intend to sell a ton of items, you need to search for markets which already want what you have and are specially looking to make a purchase right here, right now. Know the benefits your target audience wants and sell such benefits.

The price of your product is similarly important. Another metaphor is that you do not want to wear a suit to buy something from 7-11 the same way you do not wear sweatpants to a swanky cocktail party. Placing the appropriate price is necessary. Make sure you match the product with the price. You have to know your product’s worth.

You can learn more about making money online for free at the Internet Income Academy.

The Internet Income Academy is the #1 place to learn how to make money online.

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