Acupuncture – Treatment For Hyperhidrosis

Acupuncture – Treatment For Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis affects million of people worldwide and although it is very common, we can’t help the fact that it does something to our self-esteem. It also hinders us to have a full social life. If you are one of those people who will not take the risk of undergoing a surgery then you should know that there are some things you can do to alleviate the problem. One known treatment for hyperhidrosis is acupuncture. What exactly is acupuncture? This procedure involves stimulation of anatomical points on the body using various techniques and when we’re talking about profuse sweating, it stimulates points directly related to hyperhidrosis. Here in the United States, acupuncture practices incorporate traditions from China, Japan and Korea. Acupuncture is done by penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles manipulated by hands or by electrical stimulation.

Will this treatment for hyperhidrosis hurt? The needles used are hair thin and they’re not supposed to hit points that will cause pain. You should feel very little pain if at all during the procedure. The FDA approved hyperhidrosis acupuncture sometime in 1996 and it is stated that sterile, nontoxic needles should be labeled for single use by a qualified practitioner only. So far, there are not much reported complications from the use of this method. Millions of people every year are actually resorting to acupuncture to treat their excessive sweating problems. The acupoints placed or inserted in the sensory nerves of the skin can do some changes in the nervous system. To treat hyperhidrosis, the needles are placed into acupoints found in the T2 to T4 dermatome areas and this is said to tone down the over activity of the sympathetic system (responsible for excessive sweating). If the practitioner will follow the Chinese acupuncture tradition, treatment will differ from every person and it will depend on the person’s condition and overall health.

Should you decide to try acupuncture as a treatment for hyperhidrosis, make sure that you are dealing with an authorized and licensed practitioner. More and more medical doctors including neurologists and physical medicine specialists are being trained to perform hyperhidrosis acupuncture.

If you want to know more about safer and proven ways on how to stop excessive sweating, you can go to It’s never too late to put a stop to your problem and start feeling good about yourself again. Good luck!

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