Acupuncture for Back Pain – Is it a viable alternative to other methods?

Acupuncture for Back Pain – Is it a viable alternative to other methods?

Studies have shown that acupuncture for back pain can actually be a viable alternative to Western medicine. In fact , one of the most surprising results of the studies is that the acupuncturist does not even have to puncture the skin to achieve results. This result has led to further research on how acupuncture actually works. Some doctors say it is simply the placebo effect at work, while others wonder if there is an underlying cause of the positive results of acupuncture. In studies of acupuncture for back pain, acupuncture usually led to a maximum of 65 percent of patients feel the positive results that show an improvement in their daily lives. Such a high percentage can not be attributed to placebo effect.

Before an acupuncture for further treatment, it is important to determine the cause of chronic pain. The most common is a simple sprain or strain on your back. Herniated discs or crushed vertebrae can also be a source of severe back pain. A common cause of back problems in elderly patients is sciatica, pain that is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. This is an issue in itself and will not be discussed here.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, not all chronic back pain is the same. A little pain comes from the deficiency, some of stagnation, and a type of pain is caused by a condition known as obstruction of cold and wet. Deficiency type back pain is the kind of dull aching that improves after resting his back. This is the kind of chronic pain that affects the elderly. Pain of stagnation is the kind of pain that is strong and rigid. Worse by resting your back, you need to keep it active. This pain is usually caused by putting undue strain on muscles. Pain from cold damp obstruction is exacerbated by cold or humidity. Heat will this pain go away.

Acupuncture for back pain, usually involving both needles at the site of pain, and aspects that are not near the focus of pain. Patients are often surprised by the needles at points distal (away from the source of pain) the first time you visit your acupuncturist. Treatment may also include electricity and the use of suction cups on the specifics. The pain usually does not disappear after the first session. Studies have shown that acupuncture for back pain treatments are a good long-term solution, but can not give immediate results and fast. It is not uncommon for your doctor to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine traditional herbs to improve blood circulation and recovery. Acupuncture for back pain can achieve better results with the type of acute pain, but treatment may need to be modified to solve the problems underlying some cases of chronic back pain.

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics including remedies, Health and Fitness , Nutrition , Slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.

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