A Cost-Effective Option for Losing Weight

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Forget counting calories. Another new diet trend could be as simple as counting bites.

A new study from BYU health science researchers found people who counted bites over a month’ s time lost roughly four pounds– just about what the CDC recommends for “ healthy" weight loss.

Those in the pilot test counted the number of bites they took each day and then committed to taking 20 to 30 percent fewer bites over the next four weeks. Participants who stuck with the task saw results despite changing nothing else about their eating and exercising routine.

“ This study confirms what we already knew: consuming less food is important, " said lead study writer Josh West. “ We’ re not really advocating people starve themselves, what we’ re discussing is people consuming less than they’ re currently eating. "

West and BYU coauthors Ben Crookston and Cougar Hall tell you that seeing that a matter of priority, those who are overweight have to be more centered on the quantitative aspects of meals and less on the qualitative factors.

Their experiment asked 61 participants to count a number of times they lifted food with their mouth and the amount of gulps of liquids, apart from water, each day. By the end of each day, the topics texted or emailed their totals to experts.

The 41 test subjects who finished the experiment produced encouraging results, Crookston said, but there is even more research needed to validate this plan for long-term success.

“ We felt pretty great about how much fat they lost provided the relatively brief span of the analysis, " he said. “ Now we have to follow up to find if they keep it all off, or if they eliminate more weight. "

Researchers said those that didn’ t finish the analysis had a hard time maintaining counting bites. As a remedy, researchers in BYU’ s Computer Research department are suffering from an algorithm that may do the counting for folks.

That technology, created with the aid of professor Christophe Giraud-Carrier, has been licensed to regional startup company SmartBites, whose team is refining it as an app for wearable devices such as for example Android Wear and WatchOS devices.

Crookston and West believe counting bites is a doable, cost-effective option for the 70 percent of Us citizens who are overweight.

“ We’ re consuming considerably more calories from fat than we did an era ago or two generations ago; simultaneously we’ re significantly less active, " Crookston said. “ The good thing is you don’ t have to be intense calorie cutting. A good 20 percent decrease in bites is significant. "

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Best Diet Plan 4 Weight LOSS

A Cost-Effective Option for Losing Weight

Read Full Article on A Cost-Effective Option for Losing Weight

Forget counting calories. Another new diet trend could be as simple as counting bites.

A new study from BYU health science researchers found people who counted bites over a month’ s time lost roughly four pounds– just about what the CDC recommends for “ healthy" weight loss.

Those in the pilot test counted the number of bites they took each day and then committed to taking 20 to 30 percent fewer bites over the next four weeks. Participants who stuck with the task saw results despite changing nothing else about their eating and exercising routine.

“ This study confirms what we already knew: consuming less food is important, " said lead study writer Josh West. “ We’ re not really advocating people starve themselves, what we’ re discussing is people consuming less than they’ re currently eating. "

West and BYU coauthors Ben Crookston and Cougar Hall tell you that seeing that a matter of priority, those who are overweight have to be more centered on the quantitative aspects of meals and less on the qualitative factors.

Their experiment asked 61 participants to count a number of times they lifted food with their mouth and the amount of gulps of liquids, apart from water, each day. By the end of each day, the topics texted or emailed their totals to experts.

The 41 test subjects who finished the experiment produced encouraging results, Crookston said, but there is even more research needed to validate this plan for long-term success.

“ We felt pretty great about how much fat they lost provided the relatively brief span of the analysis, " he said. “ Now we have to follow up to find if they keep it all off, or if they eliminate more weight. "

Researchers said those that didn’ t finish the analysis had a hard time maintaining counting bites. As a remedy, researchers in BYU’ s Computer Research department are suffering from an algorithm that may do the counting for folks.

That technology, created with the aid of professor Christophe Giraud-Carrier, has been licensed to regional startup company SmartBites, whose team is refining it as an app for wearable devices such as for example Android Wear and WatchOS devices.

Crookston and West believe counting bites is a doable, cost-effective option for the 70 percent of Us citizens who are overweight.

“ We’ re consuming considerably more calories from fat than we did an era ago or two generations ago; simultaneously we’ re significantly less active, " Crookston said. “ The good thing is you don’ t have to be intense calorie cutting. A good 20 percent decrease in bites is significant. "

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from Eight.iy http://ift.tt/1kIpyA9
Best Diet Plan 4 Weight LOSS