7 Tricks On How To Lose Belly Fat

7 Tricks On How To Lose Belly Fat
Unfortunately, our bodies aren’t easily fooled into losing weight, especially that unsightly belly fat that accumulates around the midsection and is the hardest to lose. It seems like the stomach is the first area of the body to pack on weight, yet the last place it will come off. Don’t you want a trim stomach for the summer and every day? How can you lose weight now?

1 . According to scientific studies, 6-8 hours of sound sleep is a must for a healthy body. Sleep deprivation reduces the rate of metabolism in your body by 10-15%. It also results in increased production of cortisol, which in turn elevate your hunger. In addition to all these, lack of sleep causes glucose intolerance. Thus, you see how important is sleep for weight control. It may not help much in fat burning directly but does a lot in preventing its storage in your body.

2 . Eat 5-6 meals a day instead of 3 large meals with snacks. This allows your body to process what you eat better and prevents your body from storing extra calories that you do not need in the 2-3 hours following a meal.

3. Some people have a sweet tooth while others enjoy salty snacks. We understand – snacks taste good. Furthermore, snacks are usually engineered so the ones that taste the best are the worst for us. We have unfortunate news – stay away from the unhealthy snacks. You know which ones they are – read the nutritional content label on the back. Disregard ad copy relating to “lower fat", “diet", and so on; the nutritional facts don’t lie.

4. Nuts, fish fats, seeds, and olive oil are some of the foods that are rich in essential fatty acid. These types of fatty acid are needed in our body to aid in the process of fat-burning. So , it is important to incorporate these types of food in your diet.

5. Your body tends to store carbohydrates and fat eaten on the previous day. When you exercise in the morning, before having breakfast, your body uses these fat and carbohydrate deposits for generating energy. This means early morning exercising will make your body lose fat from all its parts. Make sure that you exercise for at least 30 minutes for minimum five days a week. For best results, perform cardiovascular exercises that includes walking, running, swimming, cycling and aerobic exercises.

6. Eat breakfast every day. When you skip meals, especially breakfast, your body goes into what’s known as starvation mode. Instead of burning calories, your body works to preserve the fat it already has in store. When you haven’t eaten since the evening before, this becomes an even larger problem because skipping breakfast tells your body to be on the lookout for the next meal for the rest of the day. Then, when you eat, your body tries to conserve and protect the calories and fat for as long as possible.

7. In addition to eliminating fatty snacks, it is beneficial to eradicate late-night snacking or eating altogether. On average, most people can benefit from consuming four, small and healthy meals per day with about four hours of separation between meals. That means that most of us will consume our last meal well before bedtime. Late-night snacking becomes habitual and usually involves unhealthy snacks; most weight loss urge members to stop late-night eating.

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss.

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