7 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

7 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

In recent years researchers have confirmed that dieting alone will not help people lose weight in the long term. The problem is that once the weight has gone and the dieter returns to their normal eating habits the weight not only returns but often the person actually puts on more weight than when they originally started dieting.

The main reason for this because when we diet the body tends to lose a combination of protein and fat. When the weight goes back on it tends to be mainly in the form of fat so our body has a greater percentage of fat in relation to protein.

The current thinking is that to lose weight permanently requires you to combine a permanent change in your eating habits whilst in creasing your metabolic rate. Having a high metabolic rate will help you improve your fat burning rate and help you lose weight in a more healthy way.

What exactly is your metabolic rate? Basically it is the rate by which the body produces and consumes energy and calories. A number of people claim and believe that they have a naturally low metabolic rate which is the reason for them being overweight. However , researchers believe that there is no such think as an inherited slow metabolic rate and that anyone can improve their metabolism by making some basic changes to their lifestyles.

There are simple measures that anyone can take to increase their metabolism. As a person gets older and their life becomes more sedentary the body’s metabolic rate tends to slow down. Therefore it is particularly important not only for those looking to lose excess weight but also older people to boost their metabolic rate.

There are 7 simple steps you can take to help increase your metabolic rate:

1 . Improve your Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index, is the ratio between weight and height, and indicates the percentage of fat in your body. To discover your Body Mass Index (BMI) just type the phrase into Google and you will find several websites that free automatic BMI calculators that will give you your BMI figure. Simply if your are below 25% that is fine, between 25%-30% you are considered overweight and 30%+ puts you in the obese category.

2 . Exercise

It is natural that your metabolism will decrease with age but even simple exercise such as walking, swimming, gentle jogging can give your metabolism a huge boost. If you have not exercised for some time it is always a good idea to consult your medical advisor before you start.

3. Drink more water

Water carries away all the toxins that are produced when the body burns fat. The body consists of 70% water and as the majority of our bodily functions rely on water we need to keep our water levels up.

A lack of water causes our body systems, including our metabolism to slow down. Dehydration can also affect our blood pressure and stress levels. The recommended daily intake of water is 2 1/2 Litres per day. This could be increased in very hot weather or after strenuous exercise.

4. Eat smaller meals but more often.

It is better to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day rather that the traditional 3 “square meals" a day. A big meal can slow both your and your metabolism down. Do not make the mistake of skipping breakfast.

Tests have show n that those people who ate a light, healthy breakfast tended to be thinner than those who did not eat breakfast.

5. Reduce your levels of Caffeine

Coffee and certain soft drinks are high in caffeine. Tea, especially Green Tea has the ability to stimulate metabolism, and unlike coffee, it has no undesirable side effects,

6. Reduce your sugar intake.

Sugars are high in calories and any energy boosting effects are short lived.

7. Eat more energy food

By including more energy foods in your diet you are not only going to improve your metabolic rates but your general well being as well. Ideally your diet should contain a good measure of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

The important factor to remember is that this not some quick short term fix. To maintain a healthy body weight and metabolic rate needs a concerted and sustained effort.

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