6 Underactive Thyroid Natural Remedies

6 Underactive Thyroid Natural Remedies

When you have an underactive thyroid, you are suffering from hypothyroidism. There are different causes of this condition that are present in different people. Selecting the treatment option for this condition will depend on the lab tests made, etiology and the history of the patient. One of them is taking hormone replacement pills prescribed by a medical expert. There are also underactive thyroid natural remedies that are safe and effective to use.

Before discussing the underactive thyroid natural remedies, it is important to know the functions of the thyroid gland. This is situated beside the Adam’s apple in the neck. It assists in having a normal heart rate, fat deposition and metabolism. This gland produces and secretes the inactive hormone Thyroxine (T4), which has 4 iodine molecules joined to a tyrosine, and the active hormone Triiodothyronine (T3) which has 3 iodine molecules and mingles with all the body’s receptors.

One of the underactive thyroid natural remedies is watching your diet. When you are aware of what you eat, this can lessen weight gain and fatigue thus your hormone replacement pills would be able to work optimally. Do not eat plenty of soy as this can interfere with the hormone replacement pill that your doctor advised you to take.

Refrain from eating dairy products immediately after taking a hormone replacement pill as this will stop the body’s absorption of the hormones. Avoid goitrogens in your diet as these will also hinder thyroid functions. Goitorgens include broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables. If you like to eat these kinds of vegetables, cook them instead of eating them raw so as to minimize the goitrogenic effect. Eating high-fiber foods instead of processed ones is an effective underactive thyroid natural remedy as it minimizes symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Another one of the underactive thyroid natural remedies is exercise. Exercising regularly will quicken the metabolism and fight weight gain. It also lessens depression and low moods which are an underactive thyroid gland’s symptoms.

There are herbal supplements that can relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism and help in the thyroid’s function. One of them is kelp, a marine plant that can balance an underactive thyroid, regulate body temperature, normalize metabolism and maintain a healthy body weight. Another herb is nettle and it is rich in iodine that would make the thyroid gland produce thyroxin for the cells. Black walnut is also an herb that is rich in organic iodine.

Underactive thyroid natural remedies include nutrients. One of them is iodide. The thyroid gland has 80% of the body’s iodide and utilizes this to create thyroid hormones. The seaweeds bladderwrack and dulse are rich in iodide. The amino acid tyrosine is also needed to produce thyroid hormone and can be found in potatoes, shellfish, red meat, milk and cheese.

Other vitamins that are considered effective underactive thyroid natural remedies are selenium and Vitamin E. Selenium helps convert T4 to T3 while Vitamin E guards the thyroid from toxins that harm it. Prior to taking these nutrients to treat hypothyroidism, it is always best to speak to your doctor.

When you find yourself gaining weight, constantly exhausted and depressed, this can be due to hypothyroidism. In order to treat symptoms of this condition, try these underactive thyroid natural remedies now so as to have enough thyroid hormones for a better and healthier body.

Suzanne Carlson is a featured and syndicated expert columnist on the topic of natural remedies for the Secret Enquirer. For more natural remedies tips and articles, visit http://ift.tt/19ONIhv now.

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