6 Myths About Dieting

6 Myths About Dieting

People who are serious about wanting to lose weight will try almost anything. Here are some of the popular dieting myths you shouldn’t be paying any attention to:

Myth #1: Drink water instead of eating your meals.

It is important that you drink plenty of water in order to keep yourself hydrated. However , water will not boost your metabolism or replace the nutrients found in food. Your body needs energy throughout the day—and water is not going to help you with that.

Myth #2: Don’t eat after 8 p. m.

Many people who diet believe that food consumed in the evening turns to fat while they sleep. The truth is, the time of day you eat your meals does not matter. What’s important to achieve weight loss is that you engage in physical activities in order to burn off those stored calories.

Myth #3: Skip your meals.

Many people believe that skipping meals during the day will help you lose weight. Thankfully, this isn’t true. You are actually encouraged to eat several small meals throughout the day instead of eating fewer meals. In fact , studies show that people who skip breakfast or eat fewer times in a day are often heavier than those who eat a healthy breakfast and consume several meals a day.

Myth #4: Certain foods burn fat.

Unfortunately, no foods can actually burn fat. Although certain foods can speed up your metabolism for a short period of time, they cannot cause weight loss. The best thing to do is to be physically active and watch the number of calories you consume.

Myth #5: Follow a low-carbohydrate and high-protein diet.

Several popular dieticians support this formula for weight loss. However , a meal plan composed mostly of high-protein foods is not a balanced one. In fact , following such diet may even cause a person to feel weak, nauseous or constipated. It may even raise one’s risk for heart disease.

Myth #6: Low-fat or fat-free foods will help you lose weight.

Foods that are low-fat and fat-free are not necessarily low-calorie or calorie-free, so be sure to check the calorie content of the foods you purchase. Also, people tend to get more portions of low-fat or fat-free foods. It is important that you pay attention to the quantity of foods you eat so as not to eat excessive amounts.

These are just a few of the many myths on food and dieting. If you’re serious about losing weight, engage in physical activity regularly, watch what you eat, and consult with a dietician.

This Article is written by Lena Butler, the author of TestCountry Articles a longer version of this article is located at 6 Myths About Dieting, and resources from other home health and wellness testing articles are used such as Health & Wellness Supplements.

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