5 Ways to Cure Insomnia Without Drugs

5 Ways to Cure Insomnia Without Drugs

Insomnia can afflict the young and the old, and it is important to understand that it is a symptom for other underlying factors. Many are having problems getting quality sleep at night, and most often , they find themselves feeling tired and lacking enough concentration to do their daily tasks during their waking hours.

There are many factors that can cause you to experience insomnia like depression, stress, hormonal imbalances such as RLS or restless leg syndrome, iron and magnesium deficiencies, and lower levels of Melatonin in your brain. Psychological factors also play an important role, as well as the very environment where you sleep.

Is there a way to sleep better at nights without taking sleeping pills and sleep medications? YES. Sleeping pills may promise an instant relief, but , you’ll never feel better during the day. You’ll be addicted to taking pills at nights, and worst, you’ll have withdrawal symptoms like having nausea, shivers, and cold sweat. Your insomnia worsens when you suddenly miss a night without popping up a pill. There are better ways to get sleep and taking sleeping aids is not one of those.

Here are 5 Ways to Help You Get Quality Sleep Without Taking Sleep Medications:


On the inside, it means drinking not just regular water, but pure water that is alkalized and ionized. This water is healthier, hydrating you much better, giving your cells more oxygen needed by the brain. You may also get your water from fruits, herbs, and vegetables which are alkaline foods that help your body reduce its risk to acidity and disease. You may also drink warm milk or chamomile tea with honey before going to sleep. On the outside, a warm bath can soothe your tired muscles and prep you up for that deep relaxation to help you get a sound sleep.


Ancient civilizations have used aromatherapy for wellness and healing. It worked its wonder back then and it is still working its magic up to now. In fact , aromatherapy is becoming popular these days, mostly in bottles of essential oils that are diluted, diffused in the air, or rubbed on the skin during massage. Chamomile and lavender oils help promote sleep, making you feel relaxed. Combined with massage, aromatherapy helps relieve aching muscles, increasing the levels of Trytophan and Serotonin your body needs to produce Melatonin.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Sometimes, the belief that getting eight hours of sleep can cause restlessness when you don’t
get to sleep for those number of hours. In fact , some people do well with 6-7 hours of sleep. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, or CBT, have produced dramatic effects in people, making them sleep better at nights. This therapy targets your mind and helps you control those negative thoughts that are keeping you sleepless. Your sleeping patterns are monitored and you will be given sleep restrictions and relaxation training. With constant practice, the habit becomes a part of you, helping you sleep better.

Meditation and Sound Therapy

The healing powers of sound can be found by just plugging in to your relaxation music and by practicing meditation techniques. You can choose any place where you won’t get distracted and do deep breathing as you listen to inspiring music and visualize tranquility. Appreciating the stillness of the moment and clearing your mind can be achieved, with constant practice of even just 15 minutes before you go to bed. Focus on the most positive of thoughts and hold that picture in your mind as you revel in soothing sounds. You may close your eyes, or stay in a dimly-lit room to experience solitude. Feeling good can help you relax and it will prepare you for sleep.

Healthy Lifestyle and Proper Sleep Hygiene

When you eat healthy foods, exercise daily, and follow proper sleeping habits, you can be sure of getting the rest that your body truly needs. Moderate exercises like brisk walking can help your body detoxify, and boost the levels of Melatonin needed by your brain. Eating healthy foods can make you avoid indigestion that affects how you sleep at nights. Proper sleep hygiene may not mean having a luxurious bedroom, but it means getting proper amount of sleep at the right hour. Your bedroom must be used for sleep and sex only. Watch your favorite show in the living room, eat your food in the dining and kitchen, and do your work at the home office. No exceptions.

These steps may not be the ultimate insomnia cure, since cases can be different from one person to another. These are the best solutions you can have to make you sleep better without drugs. Counting the number of hours you get to sleep each night is just as important as how you spend those hours. Nothing is more precious than quality sleep. When your body is rested, your body is energized to keep you going for your dreams.

A Good Night… to Good Health!

Discover the science of sound and synchronize your brain waves to help you achieve natural sleep. Put on your headphones, relax, sleep better, and feel refreshed by listening for just a few minutes. Let the power of music cradle you to the sweetest of dreams.

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