3 Tricks To Start Losing Fat Now

3 Tricks To Start Losing Fat Now

There are no hidden secrets to losing weight, but a lot of people make it a really complicated subject. To be honest, the study of weight loss is really hard because you have to set up many different control groups and variables. But once the science down, the next step is the practice. Here are some quick tips that’s you can use right now to kick start your fat burning efforts.

Tip 1: You have to eat breakfast. When you wake up, your body is starving for nutrients, mainly in the form of protein and carbs. You just went through an overnight fast. By not eating breakfast, cortisol levels will rise, and protein synthesis will decrease. You do not want this happening. Give your body what it needs. A good breakfast is oatmeal and egg whites or a bowl of fruit with Greek yogurt.

Tip 2: Consume no carbs during dinner. The days of eating pasta, pizza, rice, and potatoes for dinner are out the window. Instead, fill up on healthy greens, veggies, and salads with olive oil and herbs. By consuming carbs at night, you have a high chance of them being stored as body fat. The body does not do well on carbs at night unless you are working out at that time.

Tip 3: Consume protein. You need protein in your diet, everyone does, but when you are trying to lose weight you are going to need more. There are many reasons for this but here are some of the main points. One, is since your calories are low, you are going to need extra protein to help your body hold on to your muscle mass. Another reason is protein keeps you full for a longer period of time than carbs or fat. It’s also more thermogenic than carbs or fat.

These are just some of techniques that you can find in your Blowtorch Belly Fat Manual over at the blog.

Click here to lose weight now.

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