3 Day Detox Diet – Fruit Detox Helped Me Lose Over 5 Pounds in 3 Days

3 Day Detox Diet – Fruit Detox Helped Me Lose Over 5 Pounds in 3 Days

3 day detox diets are not all bogus fad diets. There are probably many 3 day diets or detox cleanses that are a bunch of garbage and don’t really help you – but not all are like that.

Believe me, there are detox regimens that can make a huge difference in helping you lose weight and feel better. I know because I have tried just about every quick weight loss and detox program out there.

You don’t have to get all complicated when you want to lose weight fast. Losing weight and detoxing your body is not rocket science and you don’t need to take pills or drink weird mixes or powders to get the results you want.

I have done numerous cleanses and detox diets and if you really give it a full out try and follow some basic principles you can see real authentic weight loss in just a few days.

My favorite 3 day detox diet is a fruit detox cleanse. It is the easiest one to do. It cleanses your colon like clockwork. And weight really comes off faster than any other method I have used.

Almost everyone likes to eat fruit. And if you don’t think you like fruit -do this – simply experiment and eat a bunch of different varieties of the hundreds of different fruits at your grocer or farmer’s market and over a 3 day period you will likely surprise yourself when you learn how that there are fruits that will delight every taste bud – even finicky eaters. You will be pleased to see how tasty and filling fruit can be for you. You will probably start to crave it.

If you want the short version of the 3 day detox diet with the fruit detox twist – just eat fruit for 3 days – easy. There are some fruits that you want to avoid on a “true" detox for the fastest weight loss – but even if all you do is eat ANY fruit for 3 days you will still see results on the scale and in how great you feel.

Click to learn about my favorite fruit detox and other detox diet plans you can do that will make the weight melt right off your body! http://ift.tt/1L01iRT

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