I Never Thought I Could lose weight – But I Finally Discovered The Secret! Here’s How…

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Naturally losing weight is a healthy and safe method of weight loss. It generally involves making small tweaks to your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle. In addition , when you’ re just making small lifestyle changes that are typical in natural weight loss, you’ re more likely to continue these habits long-term. A combination of these factors can help you lose weight naturally and in safe and healthy manner.
If you really want to shed some pounds, here are some tips to achieve your goal naturally and without depriving yourself.
Wondering how something related to the mind can have anything to do with shedding pounds and kilos? Let’s see how meditation helps you lose weight naturally:

Write up meal plans.

When you’ re trying to change your diet and eat more healthy, planning out your meals can be helpful.
Many times when you have a meal plan, you may not be so tempted to grab a quick bite at a fast food drive through, or find yourself somewhere where you don’ t have those healthy options.
Create your breakfast, lunch, supper and snack options for weekly at the same time. Note if you will have to have each day of meal prep reserve to help with making meals quicker.
For breakfast, you might have 1/2 grapefruit, a bowl of oatmeal with a little honey, or you could have a scrambled egg with sauteed vegetables and low-fat cheese.
For lunch, you could have a large salad with lettuce, spinach, beets, carrots, a handful of walnuts, 1/2 avocado, and beans (black or garbanzo). Drizzle a little balsamic vinegar over the top.
For dinner, you might go for grilled salmon (with a little dill and lemon), a serving of brown rice, and grilled zucchini.
If you need a snack, go for protein and a fruit or vegetable. Try a hard-boiled egg and an apple or greek yogurt with blueberries and ground flax seed.

Aim for a routine you can maintain a year from now.

Waking up at 5 am every day to run five miles might be impressive, but will you do this in six months? It may sound less exciting to walk a few times a week, but if that’ s what works for you, great! If you don’ t celebrate and plan for what you can realistically sustain, you’ re setting yourself up to feel like a failure.

Reduce The Number of Go-to’ s
Your craving for all kinds of food could be your biggest roadblock when it comes to losing weight. How easy is it to stop yourself from buying a doughnut each time you pass the bakery shop with the fine aromas going swimming? With regular meditation, it could be slightly easier.
Meditation increases awareness so you become more watchful of your meal habits. Next time you stretch out to seize a packet of chips or chocolates, you are immediately conscious that it’s not likely to help you reduce pounds and you will substitute them with healthful alternatives. Also, over a period with regular meditation practice, you will see that your cravings possess dropped. Which means you won’t be achieving for that handbag of chips or cookies all that frequently.
“Till about twelve months back, I used to consume a whole lot of chocolates to the level that if I could have chocolates at-least once each day, I used to experience very restless. My pounds would only boost and I did not how exactly to stop myself. Within 2 a few months of regular practice of meditation, I saw my cravings drop and I found it easy to control myself to chocolates. I continue to meditate and my weight has come down by 7 kg, "

The Secrets of Fruits and Vegetables

The first secret of fruits and veggies is simple: they’re nutrient dense. This means that for their weight, most produce is lower in calories; so that you can eat a great deal more whenever your diet is wealthy in vegetables and fruits — but still not consume a lot of calories. Simply try that with chocolate!
The next secret: Satiety. All make, from a juicy pear to a crispy couple of red lettuce is filled with fiber and water, says Seattle dietitian Kerry Neville, MS, RD, and both these not only keep carefully the calories down, they cause you to feel fuller longer. This implies you will be satisfying cravings for something lovely or crunchy each day — but still lose weight.
Think about it. Maybe you’re in a 3 p. m. slump and need a snack to get you through to dinner. Which will fill your belly better, a palmful of potato chips with 155 calories, or three cups of whole strawberries with 138 calories? A can of sweetened cola at 136 calories, or a heaping cup of grapes with about the same number? In each case, the produce lets you eat a lot more, fills you up fast, and maintains you full longer.


Yes, one of the main causes of excess weight gain is dieting. Dieting makes you fat. As you reduce your food intake to lose weight, your body put itself on ‘famine alert’. It gets the impression that food is scarce and, therefore , it slows down your metabolism to obtain the best use of the small amount of food it really is receiving.
When you say you wish to lose fat, what you really need to lose is fat. If you lose weight rapidly, nearly 25 % of that weight loss could be made up of other lean cells, muscle, and water.
The reason for that is that your body is in fact programmed to hold to fat. So in moments of what the body considers becoming a ‘famine’, it’ ll actually go so far as wearing down muscle and losing drinking water in order to retain its fat reserves.

Faddy diets suggest that you can drop up to 10 pounds in a week, but remember this: it is physically impossible to lose more than 900g (2lb) of body fat in a week.
Furthermore, if you lose weight quickly by restricting your intake and then go back to eating normally, a much higher percentage of the food you eat is laid down as fat. Why? Because your body wants to build up extra fat stores, in case this type of famine occurs again.

There’s also the question of metabolism. When you crash diet, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy and make the most out of the small amounts you are eating. What happens when you go back to eating normally? Well, everything you eat is being dealt with at a much slower price and more body fat is stored.

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