The Secret of Successful Dieters – Top 10 Weight Loss Advices from People Who Lost 100+ Pounds

We asked, and you delivered. Many thanks to all who contributed. Literally 100+ tips were emailed in and posted on Facebook. All of the tips had been compiled, and a common pattern began to take shape. Here they are – 10 of the best weight loss from people who have lost over 100 pounds.

94. 3 % Think Drink Water is Important

Drinking a lot of water is the most useful tool in a dieter’s arsenal when weight loss is a goal. It helps boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, and helps you shed water weight. Getting in the recommended 8-10 glasses each day could be difficult, but with perseverance, you will soon be on the right course of using drinking water to your bodyweight loss advantage.

93. 6 % Think Eat Broccoli is Important

Best nutritious vegetable? Broccoli wins hands down. Eat it raw or cooked — as long as you don’ t cover it with cheese sauce, it can be part of your weight-loss repertoire. You simply can’ t get a bigger dose of more nutrients from any other vegetable, especially for so few calories. That’ s key for those who are trying to lose weight. You want to meet nutrient needs while eating within your plan.

91. 6 % Think Keep a Food Journal is Important

Write down everything that switches into your mouth. A lot of people were surprised to observe how much they were in fact consuming. It wasn’t until they wrote it down that they started to realize the trigger and aftereffect of what they were placing into their bodies.

88. 7% Think Never Give Up is Important

Weight loss happens the moment you don’t quit. Many people don’t recognize how close these were to success. There comes a period when things simply click, but that doesn’t happen until you’re prepared to give up and contact it quits. The much longer you stay with it, the higher your probability of success. Excersice forward, and don’t ever quit!

86. 8 % Think Diets is Important

Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meats and dairy foods. For fast weight loss, he recommends concentrating on fruits, vegetables, egg whites, soy items, skinless poultry breasts, seafood, shellfish, non-fat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.
“ Even though you write it straight down on a napkin and end up throwing it apart, the act of composing it down is about getting accountable to yourself and is an effective tool for weight reduction, " says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD.

82. 7% Think Educate Yourself is Important

Learn the whys. Don’t simply do something because someone said to. Understand the purpose behind it. Many people just want a meal plan or blueprint to follow for weight loss. However , the successful people that lost weight and kept it off long term started taking an interest in how nutrition and exercise impact their bodies. They learned the “whys” behind what they were doing, and they were more successful because of it.

78. 1 % Think Stop Making Excuses is Important

Successful people manufactured the shift and understood that the reason why for why they weren’t reaching their weight loss goals were really just excuses. It was a difficult idea to accept, but after they had been honest with themselves, they spent much less time producing excuses, and additional time finding methods to accomplish their goals.

71. 7% Think Do It For Yourself is Important

Make ME Number 1. Lose pounds for Me, not due to pressure from other people. Most of us have our own known reasons for wanting to lose pounds, but a common denominator amongst the healthy weight loss sent in was that the successful people undertook their new lifestyle because they wanted to. They weren’t pressured into weight loss by friends or family. They did it for themselves, and as a result, they inspired others to do something for themselves too.

66. 4 % Think Almonds as Snack is Important

Nuts, with all their fat and calories, don’ t seem like the perfect diet food — but don’ t be fooled. A snack of almonds can curb your appetite while supplementing your diet with healthy fats, fiber and other high-quality nutrients, such as vitamin E and calcium. The high calorie content of almonds may even be overestimated, so eating them in moderation may just help you lose weight.

100% Think Start is the MOST Important

How do you be prepared to accomplish your goals in the event that you never start trying to attain them? Beginning is normally half the challenge. Don’t hesitate of failure.
People who dropped over 50 pounds stopped looking forward to stuff to happen, and went and made things happen. Analysis implies that one of the most critical indicators that influences weight loss achievement is your attitude – whether you believe (and continue believing) that you could make the changes you should make to lose fat, and they are worth doing.

The reason being everything you think, affects how you are feeling, and in turn the activities you take. The simplest way I could describe this positive mindset is normally ‘getting your mind straight’ about food and fat. It’s not at all something I can easily placed into words – but you will know when it happens. From all my years of working with people with weight and eating problems, and from my own personal experience, I truly believe that it is they key to success.

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