How to Lose Stomach Fat – Exercises That Are Effective in Helping Lose Weight

How to Lose Stomach Fat – Exercises That Are Effective in Helping Lose Weight

Tighter abs is helpful in giving protection to the vital organs in our bodies. The heat and lungs are protected by these muscles. They also help keep good posture, and have good coordination.

Dieting cannot help you lose weight by itself, exercising is a must. A closer connection between fat and exercise exists. Exercising helps burn off excessive fats faster.

Most of us are left with one question, what exercises can really help me lose weight?

Before we discuss what types of exercises can be done to lose weight, let’s examine what exercises will actually burn fat. Some of these exercises will speed up the metabolism of the body. This then speeds up the body’s oxygen consumption and calories that are burned. Our body will burn the calories that are available first, and then will begin burning the deposits of fat stored in the body if it is needed. Therefore a good exercise is one that will burn off fat and not only will use up the available calories but dig into the fat deposits stored in our bodies.

Studies by experts have shown that some exercises are effective with only eight to twelve repetitions each, done about two or three times a week. After doing these exercises more and more often, then they will start to get easier which makes us be able to increase the repetitions.

According to the media and the internet, some of the best exercises to do are:

1 . Bicycle Crunch, highest in popularity, this is an exercise that helps you weight in just a few weeks. In the bicycle crunch someone lies down, with their lower back against the floor. They then place both hands behind the head, while rising to do a sit-up they will twist their upper body so that their left elbow touches the right knee on the first one. Then by repeating this process so that the right elbow touches the left knee on the second sit-up. Their legs are kept at a 45 degree angle till they start the first sit-up, whichever elbow is going to be used first then the opposite leg is brought up to the chest. All these motions are done at once.

2 . A reverse crunch, second highest in popularity, this is done where a person lies down, with their lower back pressed against the floor. Then they raise their legs up in the air while bending their knees to a 90 degree angle. Then they keep their legs still, and then lift their hips up off the floor, and then they return to the original position.

3. The captain’s chair, third in popularity, this is done with a chair that has no bottom seat. The handles of the chair are grasped tightly, and the legs are dangled down. While doing this they then hold themselves up while bringing their knees to their chest and returning them to the original position.

Do not attempt any exercise like this without first consulting a trainer or doctor. They can advise you and test you for medical problems that might make these unsafe exercises. If you have a medical problem such as diabetes or hypertension then you should refrain from strenuous exercises. You should focus on easier, less strenuous exercises. Another factor to let your trainer or doctor know about is if you have any back or spinal problems that could be irritated by these exercises.

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