What is the Fastest Way to Lose 10 Pounds

What is the Fastest Way to Lose 10 Pounds

Well, the bad news is that there is no magic pill. There is no and most likely never will be a diet pill that can make you lose weight and keep it off. The good news is that losing weight fast is very simple.

Incorporating exercise into your lifestyle can expedite weight loss. Doing regular cardiovascular exercise will speed up your metabolism and burn calories. At home, your cardiovascular training can include walking up and down the stairs, running in place — and even heavy house cleaning can bring the heart rate up. Weight training tones and builds muscle, which keeps the metabolism active even when you are at rest. Instead of purchasing weights, use water bottles or food cans in a bag as your weights.

Trace a diet that is high in protein and small in fat. It is important to tap raw sources of energy. Nutrients like vegetables, berries, salmon, tea, lean protein, plenty of oranges and apples can also give you natural strength flowing throughout your body. Low-fat of yogurt with oatmeal and honey and some bananas brings a bigger strength breakfast or snack. Sliced tomatoes with tuna, chicken breasts and steamed vegetables, or salmon are all healthy dinner stuffs. Stick to a healthy diet and stick to it during your exercise plan.

Play a game in which you say to yourself: “If I am still hungry after I eat, I’ll get up and some more. " Most of the time you realise that you do not need this second serving. Because sometimes your mind has to catch up with your stomach. Alternatively, eat your meal a lot slower so that your mind gets a chance to get the “I am full" signals from your stomach.

Building up your muscle mass. This is a relatively unknown fact that the more muscles you have, the faster the body will burn calories. You can regard the muscles as “biological engines" which burn away all the calories for energy. Thus the more “engines" you have, the faster you burn all those calories. To get more muscles, there is only one way, that is through more exercising. Weight lifting is a good way to built those muscles. Initially when you go into the muscles building, you will get an increase in your weight. This is because muscles are heavier than fats. But if you keep on exercising regularly, you will get rid of all the fats in your body and have just lean muscles.

Grains have higher calorie content than vegetables. So complement equivalent portions of vegetables with grains. This will help to satisfy your hunger before you overload yourself with the extra calories from the grains.

Drink plenty of water during the program. Water can help clean our digestive system and remove any excess substances or harmful materials in our bodies that add to our weight.

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on weight loss, how to lose belly fat, weight loss foods for women.

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