Kim Kardashian 2 Diet and Exercise Secret Revelations

Kim Kardashian 2 Diet and Exercise Secret Revelations

What are the secrets behind Kim Kardashian diet and exercise? Actually, these are no secrets that the famous Hollywood personality would not love to reveal to and share with as many individuals who can benefit from it as possible. Kim Kardashian is known to have lost weight in just a week. Her secrets revolve around her rigorous workout and dietetics plan.

The Workout

Kim Kardashian admits that she is not fond of going to gyms to keep her body fit. Necessity came along. Prior to the launch of her DVD, what Kim did to lose weight is to tone her body. She followed a strict plan consisting of two hours of exercises day to day, and even doubling the hours as necessary to achieve her weight loss targets.

The sessions would typically start with warm-ups, followed by cardiovascular exercises using five (5) – pound equipment for weight loss. Among her workout routines, Kim Kardashian cites lunges and squats as her favorites- both of which target the toning of her lower body part. Although these routines are her favorites, she never fails to workout her abs. She also benefits from stretching routines, usually towards the final minutes of her sessions. She would maximize her time in the gym performing as many different workout routines as possible.

The Macrobiotic Plan

The most interesting Kim Kardashian diet and exercise secrets can be found in her observance of macrobiotic plan. This plan is different in the sense that it functions more as a lifestyle enhancer to help you lose weight. It suits individuals who can develop the habit of eating natural or organic food consisting mainly of vegetables with a little serving of fish on the side. One follows the near-Zen spirituality and lifestyle influencing dietary choices and habits.

A macrobiotic regimen advocates food balance. In choosing the food, one has to pair the tastes such as sweet and sour, bitter and sweet, sweet and salty, sweet and spicy, sour and bitter, bitter and salty. If one is faithful with the regimen, he/she would stay away from certain food types that are believed to contain toxic substances, since consuming those food contradicts the Zen philosophy.

Recognizing the value of the yin and yang, Kim Kardashian lists the following as her dietary staples- vegetable burgers, soy cheese, tofu, and quinoa (an excellent source of magnesium). These are the types of food that are not only beneficial to weight loss but are also favorable to one’ s good heart condition. She describes her diet plan as mostly vegetables, her rich sources of soluble and insoluble fibers, and food low in fat content.

Kim Kardashian adds that her macrobiotic dietary plan is one of her best secrets for achieving and maintaining her ideal weight. However , she admits to being occasionally guilty of giving in to her food indulgences. She can hardly resists eating fries and burgers, as she finds it extremely difficult to avoid the temptations. On these occasions, she compensates her guilt by increasing her workout activities.

Now, if you want to have a body like hers, you know the secrets. Use the Kim Kardashian diet and exercise to benefit in achieving your weight loss goals. Together with determination and the right mindset, you will be able to enjoy the body you desire.

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